Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 17:11:10 -0800
From: Sean Herron <Sean_Herron@viscount.com>
Organization: Herron powerboats ltd.
To: duckworks@hilconet.com
Find enclosed D.S.T.B (Dead Simple To Build) Raven 16...It may be the 12 foot sit down
hard top, I didn't count the stations which are at 1 foot spacing, a relative scale...This
is a simple boat that I designed in a drafting package known as Ashlar Vellum...It was
just an experiment to see how far I could simplify the common deep vee, constant section,
planing hull within a non hull design program, I generally use Prolines and Multisurf for
more complex work...You can do what you want with this...It is something that I did months
ago, and I attach it to all my outgoing E-mail...I also have a nested cutting schedule for
4' x 8' stock, including interior benches, dash, and foot wells, not with edge or
thickness deductions...I welded one up in aluminum and it went well, I sold the prototype
less motor to a public sailing club for one dollar...I wqrk as a mechanical systems
installation supervisor at WestbaySonship Yachts Ltd...See (https://www.westbaysonship.com) under
Regards, |
