Trailerable Camp
Cruiser for Budget Home Construction
This contest is to be kept simple and undaunting.
Simple in that required drawings will be as basic
as needed to define the boat.
Undaunting in that Professionals and Boat Design
Students who have passed more than 40pct (2/5 yrs) of their Course are excluded.
As the prize is simply exposure, we expect little
dispute & rules will be minimal.
There are great design ideas scribbled on scraps of
paper all over the world.
Lets all see them.
The brief is simple and clear, with some
The boat
- is for cruising safely in coastal areas normally
displaying settled conditions. This implies some attention to both shoal ability and
- must use sail as its primary motive power.
- must be legally trailerable behind a family car.
Design to your local laws or max beam 2.5m, up to you. Launch and retrieval should be easy
for two people.
- must be capable of acting as a basic home to 2
adults for up to a week. Cabins, cuddies, boom tents, beaching and shore camping, or
combinations of these are all acceptable.
- must be home buildable with normal DIY hand/ power
materials & construction methods are open.
- must cost under $US10k or equivalent, including
trailer which, along with items providing motive power, may be second hand. All other
material/fittings to be new.

The organizer of the
Competition is Duckworks Magazine.
All correspondence should be emailed to
Or addressed to
Design Competition
Duckworks Magazine
HC 63 Box 289
Harper, TX 78631, USA
The competition is open to anyone other than the
- Chuck Leinweber & Jeff Gilbert.
- Professional Boat Designers.
- Career path Boat Design students who have completed
40% or more of their Course.
Entrants retain Copyright in their designs or
drawings. However it is a condition of entry that the Organizer retains the right to
display at public shows, publish in Duckworks (including its supplements and associated
publications, whether printed or electronic), in full or part, any submitted material,
written or electronic.

Trailerable Camp Cruiser for Budget Home Construction
Closing Date: Xmas Day 2000
- 1) Each entry must contain the following
A) Sheet or e-mail giving entrants name,
contact details, two line autobiography & the following signed/dated statement:
- "I enclose an entry for the Duckworks 2000
Amateur Sailcraft Design Competition. I have read & understood the competition
rules and agree to be bound by them."
- B) Scale drawings as listed. These must be on
A4 ( 8-1/2 X 11 ) for scanning purposes. The minimal drawings list will normally be 3
sheets as listed, but can be put on less if clarity is retained. In the sample entry given
below the drawings are on one sheet. If the entrant wishes they may send larger
prints/drawings in addition. Electronic entries should be not over 800 pixels wide,
if *.gif* or *.jpg* format. Also, *.hul*, spreadsheet, and CAD files are acceptable,
but screen shots would be preferred.
Minimum drawing list:
- Profile including sail plan
- General Arrangement plan
- Three cross sections. Half sections are OK where
both hull & interior are symmetrical.
- C) A separate concise text description of the
entry explaining its virtues (and vices if youd like to save the judges time!). This
must commence with a listing of at least the following 10 major specifications: Length
(Overall ,Waterline & Trailering), Beam, Draught, Interior Headroom, Displacement,
Trailering Weight, Sail Area(s), Mast height AWL. Text may be accompanied by additional
drawings, graphs or diagrams as desired.
2) Drawings may be color or B & W.
Dimensions may be metric or imperial, but must be consistent throughout entry. Text
including Drawing Annotations may be handwritten. Illegible sections of text or
annotations will be treated as blank.
3) Every sheet submitted must be clearly
marked with the contestant's name and a space of equal size to the name provided beneath
the name for judges' annotations. Unnamed sheets will not be considered.
4) Entries may be submitted by individuals or
groups. Multiple entries may be submitted but each must be a full entry with header sheet
as in 1/a) above. Each entry of multiples must be substantially different: iterations of a
parent design must be submitted as a single entry.
5) Existing designs may be submitted as long
as they are solely the intellectual property of the entrant. Designs that are
considered close mimicry of an existing design by other than the entrant will be queried
with the entrant.
6) Duckworks will not be returning
submissions. Entrants should keep copies for their own files.
7) The Organizers are happy to clarify
conditions of entry but cannot discuss your design prior to the closing date of Xmas Day
2000. However an existing entry may be superseded by an update prior to the closing date.
8) The Judges Decision is FINAL
& no correspondence will be entered into.
9 There is no entry fee.
Sample Minimum Entry as Described above in 1/:
Jeff Gilbert has provided this at
Note that the write up
(Requirement c)) includes
more specifications than required & a) is omitted.

Classic, Retro or Modern styling themes will be
considered equally. Judging will be based on a weighted mixture of the following
criteria, which are not listed in any order. Entrants would do well to be mindful of
- Originality
- Sailing performance of craft with respect to demands
of intended use
- General adherence to brief, especially costing.
- Aesthetics.& coherence of style.
- Seaworthiness ,comfort,safety.
- Usability. Ease of towing, launching.
- Cost of maintenance & ownership. Resale.
- Ability to convey design clearly & concisely.
- Feasiblility of build
- Availability of advice/ materials necessary to
The Judges of the competition are:
Jeff Gilbert - Canberra, NSW, Australia
Chuck Merrell - Seattle, WA, USA
Jim Michalak - Lebanon, IL, USA