Click here for the entries
Click here for the winners

boat that can be built from our box of parts:
This contest is to be kept simple
and unintimidating.
Simple in that required drawings will be as basic
as needed to define the boat.
in that Professionals and Boat Design
Students who have passed more than 40pct (2/5 yrs) of their Course are excluded.
The brief is simple and clear, with
a lot of flexibility.
As a prize, the winning design
will be built by the Duckworks Magazine staff.
Build any boat you can imagine
from the following parts:
- 2 - 4' x 8' sheets of 1/4"
(or less) "
- 2 - 10 foot 1 x 12's
- 2 - 8 foot 2 x 4's
- 2 - 10 foot x 1-1/2" dia.
wood poles
- 2 - 8 x 10 foot
- 2 - 50 ' lengths of 1/4"
nylon rope
- unlimited glue, fasteners,
paint, and duct tape.
- a small outboard or trolling
motor may be specified
Some additional lumber may be
used for temporary forms.
Flotation may be used, as long as
it is not structural.
When ripping or cutting lumber,
you may figure a kerf of 1/16".

Winners will
be announced in the following categories:
- Least left over material
- Best match to intended use
- Most elegant
One overall winner will be chosen
from all entries, and that boat will be built by the Duckworks Magazine
staff. (Excluding any motor)

The organizer of the
Competition is Duckworks Magazine.
All correspondence should be emailed to
Or addressed to
Design Competition
Duckworks Magazine
P.O. Box 10
Harper, TX 78631, USA
The competition is open to anyone other than the
- Last year's three winners
- Professional Boat Designers
- Career path Boat Design students who have completed
40% or more of their Course
Entrants retain Copyright of their designs or
drawings. However, it is a condition of entry that the Organizer retains the right to
display at public shows, publish in Duckworks (including its supplements and associated
publications, whether printed or electronic), in full or part, any submitted material,
written or electronic.

Closing Date: Xmas Day
1) Each entry must contain the following
A) Sheet or e-mail giving entrants name,
contact details, two line autobiography & the following signed/dated statement:
"I enclose an entry for the Duckworks
2001 Amateur Design Competition. I have read & understood the competition
rules and agree to be bound by them."
B) A statement of
intended use. Such a limited supply of material can be thrown
together randomly and probably make a serviceable boat. We're
interested in what you expect the boat to do. Not just a list
of it's virtues and vices, but a good idea of why it's specially
suited to one job or another, whether it's crabbing on the Chesapeake,
bass fishing in the ponds of Florida or zipping around Buzzards bay
with a small outboard. At least one good paragraph should do it.
C) Either of the
(I) Scale drawings as listed. These must be on
A4 ( 8-1/2 X 11 ) for scanning purposes. The minimal drawings list will normally be 3
sheets as listed, but can be put on less if clarity is retained.
Electronic entries should be not over 800 pixels wide, in *.gif* or *.jpg* format.
Minimum drawing list:
- Profile including sail plan
(if applicable)
- General Arrangement plan
- Three cross sections.
(II) A model or full sized boat may be built and an adequate
number of photos taken to give a fair representation.
D) Diagram and describe how the
materials are cut into components. We want to know how the ply is
cut up, how the sails, tent, or bimini are cut from the tarps, how the
boards are ripped to make gunwales, etc.
E) List what type and quantity of
fasteners are used. They may include but are not necessarily limited to:
epoxy or other type of
fiberglass, duct, or carpet
nuts, bolts, grommets, etc.
3) Every sheet submitted must be clearly
marked with the contestant's name and a space of equal size to the name provided beneath
the name for judges' annotations. Unnamed sheets will not be considered.
4) Multiple entries may be submitted but each must be a full entry
meeting all filing criteria on its own. Each entry of multiples must be substantially different: iterations of a
parent design must be submitted as a single entry.
5) Existing designs may be submitted as long
as they are solely the intellectual property of the entrant. Designs that are
considered close mimicry of an existing design by other than the entrant will be queried
with the entrant.
6) Duckworks will not be returning
submissions. Entrants should keep copies for their own files.
7) The Organizers are happy to clarify
conditions of entry but cannot discuss your design prior to the closing date of Xmas Day
2001. However an existing entry may be superseded by an update prior to the closing date.
8) The Judges Decision is FINAL
& no correspondence will be entered into.
9 There is no entry fee.

Classic, Retro or Modern styling themes will be
considered equally, as will mono or multihull types. The idea is
to get as many different boats from the same pile of materials as
possible. Judging for the overall winner will be based on a weighted mixture of the following
criteria, which are not listed in any order. Entrants would do well to be mindful of
General adherence to
Seaworthiness, comfort,
Ability to perform stated
of construction
The Judges of the competition are
last years winners:
Gavin Atkin
David Telles
Peter Vanderwaart