Boat Building at Camp
by Loy Seal
The Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans sponsors a yearly
Children’s Camp at our camp north of Lake Pontchartrain. Since our theme
this year was “Setting Sail,” what better way to emphasize the theme than
building a sailboat at camp. Actually, we wound up building two boats
using the plans for the Two Sheet Skiff and added a polytarp sprit sail. |
We limited the construction crew to fifth and sixth graders and
made boatbuilding one of four electives. Since four girls and three boys
elected this option, we built a girl’s boat and a boy’s boat. Since we had
only one hour each morning and afternoon to build these boats, another
counselor, Joe Zera, and I precut the parts before camp began. Joe and I
also worked on the boats between the boatbuilding classes so they could be
completed within the allotted time. |
Competition was fierce between the two groups as each tried to
build their boat faster and better than the other. We started building on
Monday afternoon by attaching the sides to the stem and transom. Tuesday
morning we glued and nailed the center pieces in place. We used PL Premium
construction adhesive. Tuesday afternoon we glued the chine logs in place,
cut the bottom to size and glued and nailed it with silicon bronze boat
nails. We then sanded everything smooth with belt sanders. Wednesday
morning we added the mast partner and began work on the lee board, mast,
sprit, tiller, and rudder. We varnished them with water based polyurethane
because drying time was crucial. |
We painted the boats with Kilz Premium on Wednesday afternoon and
began work on the polytarp sails. The gray WalMart tarp was very good to
work with since it is heavier than normal and gray duct tape blended in
very well with the color of the tarp. We used a 36 square foot, loose
footed sprit sail for both boats. Thursday morning we rigged the boats
with the sails and hung the rudders using brass screw eyes and one quarter
inch brass rod for pintles and gudgeons. We did not get to put on the
finish coats of paint because we ran out of time. |
Thursday afternoon came with no wind in sight on the small lake at
the camp. We launched the boats and set the sails, but the kids had to
paddle the boats around the lake. The third boat is my Elegant Punt which
I had built over the winter. My daughter named it “Blondie” since it is “a
little dinghy” (she is blonde). The sail on “Blondie” was the same as the
other boats since it was used as a model for the mast and sails. Blondie
was the center piece on the camp stage all week to remind us of our theme,
“Setting Sail.” The girls’ boat was water tight, while the boys’ boat did
take on a little water but was basically sound. The children were so proud
of their accomplishments. One girl could not believe that she had helped
build a real boat. Two of them “won” the boats in a drawing and got to
take them home. |
In the past six months I have built an Elegant Punt, a 15 foot tack
and tape pirogue, and these two 8 foot skiffs. I have the plans to build a
Michalak Toon2 over the coming winter for use on Lake Ponchartrain. Joe
has been bitten by the boat building bug and should start one soon. |
