The United States Coast Guard
Auxiliary has been promoting safe boating since 1939. As it was in 1939,
and as it is today in 2002, kids love boating. Boating is a fun family
sport, whether you’re water skiing, fishing, diving or hanging around at a
raft-up. Children of all ages are on the water, and in boats of all
shapes, sizes and propulsion. Thus it is even more important to teach our
children the do’s and don’ts of boating safety. This is where Coastie, a
real life commissioned Coast Guard Cutter comes into play!
Commissioned at the USCG Cutter Coastie (WAUX), Coastie is the first
of what we hope is a long line of Low Endurance Coast Guard Cutters. These
sleek vessels are equipped with the latest in child attention getting
devices, such as lights, animated moving parts, flags and sounds.

So what exactly is Coastie and why does the USCG Auxiliary have her
(actually them, there are currently eleven Coasties in the fleet)? Why is
because we’re dedicated to teaching youngster’s boating safety. Educators
have found that if learning is fun, then learning is achieved. Coastie is
I’m sorry, that wasn’t put quite correctly. Coastie IS FUN!!!!! Now,
that’s better! Children just love the way Coastie moves and talks to them.
Sometimes Coastie needs to cool off the surrounding crowds, so she comes
armed with a giant water Squirter! When Coastie brings a target into her
sight, watch out, your wet!

Coastie’s crew is a group of dedicated individuals who donate
countless hours in the pursuit of educating our young. These men and
women, volunteer members of the Auxiliary, also bring not only a wealth of
boating and educational information, but coloring and work books, that
teach and entertain.
So why not ask your local Coast Guard Flotilla to bring Coastie to
your next group function. I’m sure Coastie would get a bang out of it!
You can reach your local Flotilla either through our web site at or by calling your
local Coast Guard office. |
44" Coastie Low Endurance Cutter (WAUX) |