...so you say you cant even draw flies (your fishing buddies may
beg to differ) no you don't have to be an artist I'm certainly not!...so
keep on reading. After gettin' busted by my squeeze sponge
painting the name on her flat-rat (I'm still hearing Martha what's her
name jokes) the neighbors even came over to see what was so #%^$& funny..
I tried to tell her I was sponge painting in a very manly way!!
Materials for this design
- 3 cheap spray cans (just sneak off to the paint section while the
wife is getting the groceries)
- fresh masking tape
- poster board
- news paper for masking
This technique will work on cartoons - lettering - landscapes just
about anything. Remember all those cool murals on van conversions in
the 1970`s?? Most of them were done this way. Tracing paper can be
used if needed, or any of the modern ways - your computer, the photo copy
machine at the library, or whatever it takes to get your design on to
This is a simple example that can be done all in one sheet of poster
board. For more complex designs, you simply make more than one stencil for
your various layers.. but we are going to keep this one simple and cut a
few corners along the way...so here goes:
click pictures to
...rough sketch (very) i cleaned up the rough
stuff as I cut it out with razor knife.. keep in mind that this will
be done in layers depending on the graphic involved you will either
start from dark colors and work to light or vice versa. |
..2 piece stencil cut in poster board the tongue
piece is one of the corners we are going to cut...it was cut from
extra paper. |
...outline of stencil applied to boat loops of
tape to hold it on...{and no I don't have a power sander yet and yes
I do have carpel tunnel in both wrists so my boats don't get much
sanding} |
...first layer of paint applied |
...here is another corner we are going to cut
simply use masking tape to mask off the lips (use fresh tape) |
..tongue stencil applied (are we slackers or
what?) |
the rest of masking applied then paint |
...tongue mask removed |
...layer 3 mask applied |
...paint applied |
all masks removed...the white you see in the
black is called a blowout ..on this design it will add to the
effect...to avoid blowouts simply use rubber cement around edges to
stick them down that way paint cant blowout of stencil |
.. step back a bit and admire your handy work...
and you said you couldn't draw flies let alone do a mural... |
...just me being silly |
When doing a mural more often than not it's better to give the
impression of an object than to try and paint it in detail.....keeping it
simple applies very well in doing a mural
Think layers
When doing larger or more involved murals, key your stencils to your
sketch...tape them to your table in a couple of places at the top so you
can flip up the sketch then make 90 degree corners on 2 corners of design
with tape on table...then you can get each successive stencil to line up
with the next and so on ...same goes for applying to your boat key first
stencil at 2 corners with tape on the boat at 90 degrees on 2 corners of
stencil that way each following layer lines up with preceding layer..
Think layers.
When doing a reverse of your image, like I did, let your stencils dry
before doing the reverse because the painted side of stencil will be
against the paint job you spent hours sanding filling faring painting (my
wrist's hurt just thinking about it!)
If you're not sure how it will look, do a test on cardboard.. the garage
wall if your lucky enough to have one of those.
Think layers ( am I getting rhetorical yet???)
So if you have always wanted a scene of that perfect cove where you fall
in love with your first mate all over again every time you go there ...or
Godzilla on a rampage or what ever trips your trigger just go for it !!
And remember most of all HAVE FUN!!...and don't forget to post some pics
of that awesome art work of yours so the rest of us slackers can enjoy it
errol and his squeeze |