I am sure you will have heard of the “Peter Principle”, whereby
people in an organisation hold their current position by dint of their
performance in previous jobs, and so rise to the level of their
incompetence. MacPhail’s variant, derived from years experience of running
a chandlery, states that:
“Most people own a boat larger than they need or want”
Have I any evidence
for this? Well, the usage rates of non-racing craft - I deliberately omit
here the racing fraternity who often commit heavily to their boats both in
terms of time and money - are strikingly low. On an average weekend
between May and September - in the UK - some 3-5% of boats are away from
their moorings or marina berths according to informal soundings taken from
harbour masters and marina operators. Put the other way round, that’s
95-97% of boats unused, and that is a phenomenon which bears casual
confirmation. Now, call me naive, but I thought the point of owning a boat
for pleasure was to get onto the water, so unless a good many people revel
in the cachet of simply owning a boat, some thing is going slightly wrong
I cannot determine the reasons for lack of use from first
principles, but have to deduce them from those with whom I come into
contact. Roughly in order of precedence, they are as follows:
- Lack of time - to afford to own and maintain such a fine craft,
one must have a pretty high-powered job. In these straightened times,
holding down said job is so time-consuming that there is little time, or
energy, left over for the boat.
- The family aren’t interested - “ I bought it because my
partner/family wanted a larger/more comfortable boat (but in fact it
turns out that they are not really interested after all)”. So finding
“quality time” for the family to assuage the guilt of spending yet more
money on your own interest reduces the time available for boating.
- Lack of crew (often a corollary of 2) - “I can never get a crew
together on a regular basis, at least not the sort of people who know
what they are doing”. I sometimes wonder whether crew are needed
primarily to help sail the boat, or more to boost the owner’s
- Bigger is better - “I thought I ought to get a bigger boat so we
could go further afield”. At the risk of biting the hand that feeds me,
there does seem to be an inexorable pressure from peer groups, the
media, and a cultural notion of “progress” to go bigger, and hence
better all the time. In the context of boat ownership, it is often
self-defeating. Those with car-toppable or trailable boats routinely go
further afield than those with larger craft. Given the limited time
available to most of us, chartering is surely the better bet for
exploring new waters.
- The cost - “I’ll skip it this year because I can’t afford it just
If you recognize any of
the above constraints, it may be time to re-evaluate your ownership of a
boat. Start by doing the thing you should never do for a leisure activity.
Add up the number of hours spent using your boat this last season on the
one hand, versus the expense (including depreciation and capital costs)
and hours spent on upkeep (costed at the same rate as your local yard, if
you are feeling brave) on the other. Does it make sense, either in
absolute terms, i.e. total amount of money or time, or as £/hour? What do
these figures represent in terms of weeks chartering, a family holiday, or
time spent doing other things? I have to say that the only groups of
people who add up the costs regularly are either professional boat users -
such as fishermen, charter operators and boatbuilders - or those who are
in a syndicate who need to reclaim their 1/2 or 2/3 or whatever from the
other owners. Us ordinary mortals usually don’t want to know, even though
the household and or car expenses may be scrutinised in detail.
Enough cold calculation, let us now turn to address the issues in a
more positive way, by suggesting a few solutions:
If you suffer from lack of time, perhaps the most obvious thing to do
is to make more time for boating. This is not quite as facile as it
sounds, since almost all of us are under pressure of time, doing more of
one activity necessarily displaces another to some extent. A theory I
heard propounded a few years ago was that we only have time for 2-1/2
activities, one of which is usually our job. That leaves 1-1/2
for all our other commitments. Is your boating a "1", a "1/2", or does it
vie with a host of other activities for the odd spare moments? Another
option is to make your existing boat easier to use by basing it closer to
home or at a marina, even if this does involve a trade-off of expense
versus time. Or you can base the existing boat in an area where shorter
trips are more readily available. This will almost certainly be more
expensive in absolute terms, but not necessarily in £/hours used. Perhaps
you can reduce the preparation time for going boating, by kitting the boat
out with enough food, water, fuel etc to enable you to go with minimum
delay should an unexpected opportunity arise. Finally, there is always the
option of selling the boat and chartering, or borrowing, when required,
thus freeing up the time spent on maintenance.
If it is the case that your family are not quite so enthusiastic as
yourself, that often stems from a misconception of the dangers or
difficulty of boating. You stand a good chance of terminally discouraging
non-boating members of your family if:
the only worthwhile
outings are days long
- your time pressures are such that you have to go on specific days
or weekends, come what may
- merely getting to the boat is a significant evolution in its own
- you don’t involve them. For instance, the skipper does not always -
indeed should not always - need to be at the helm. I will not even
mention the relative merits of kitchens versus galleys!
- there is only one possible way of doing things. Much of the ink and
hot air devoted to “seamanship” could be saved if it were remembered
more often that the end - of delivering the boat and crew safely to
their destination without inconvenience to others - justifies any means
that work reliably.
It is often hard to accept that other members of the family don’t share
your enthusiasm - I must make allowances for the fact that my wife
considers a bus timetable an essential piece of sailing equipment - but
set against that is the enormous appeal of “messing about in boats”. If
you are able at relatively short notice to take advantage of good
conditions to involve the family, and so slowly - it may take years - but
surely build the confidence, enjoyment and skills, you will have crew for
life. If you really are on your own, it is probably best to accept it. My
wife would rather go to ballet on her own than have me fidgeting in the
next seat trying to get enough light to do the crossword.
Lack of crew is not an uncommon problem, usually most successfully
solved by sharing the ownership of the boat, or joining a club to get
readier access to a pool of skills. Another approach is to modify the boat
and/or mooring arrangements to allow easier single-handing
Lastly, if the main problem is that the boat is simply too big or
expensive, then apart from sharing ownership, the answer is obvious! And
bear in mind that, as mentioned above, many people find it hard to get
skilled crew, so it is not usually too much of a problem getting sailing
even if you don’t have a boat
There is an approach that cuts across all these issues, and that is to
have a smaller boat - unless you are starting from a single-seater kayak
or windsurfer in which case there is really nowhere to go. Think of some
of the freedoms which a smaller boat can confer:
- lower initial outlay, or higher quality for the same outlay, or, a
solution a number of people find rewarding, a “bespoke” boat for the
same outlay. There has perhaps never been as wide a choice of custom -
or semi-custom - built boats as there is now. Many are the sort of craft
which can give real pride of ownership.
lower maintenance costs
- partly because you will need smaller quantities or sizes of items
which need replacing - i.e. rope, rigging, paint and so on. It may also
be that many of the maintenance tasks could now be done yourself, even
if time is short
- lower storage costs - especially if the boat is car-toppable or
trailable since you might be able to be based at home, in which case
finding the time for maintenance becomes that much easier
- fewer things to maintain, so the boat tends to be easier to keep in
good shape, thus increasing seaworthiness and eventual re-sale value
- shorter trips seem more adventurous in small boats , and you can
explore smaller creeks impossible for larger boats. Short trips are good
for involving the family - if you reckon on 15-20 minutes per year of
age maximum per trip for children, you stand a good chance of keeping
their interest and enthusiasm, even if you do lose them to the racing
circuit for a few years!
- finally, the consequences of a minor error of judgement such as
unscheduled contact, either with terra firma or someone else’s
belongings, are usually less serious in a smaller boat.
Though I have now probably filled my postbag with indignant letters, I
contend that a smaller boat is more used, more fun, less onerous and may
leave you with both the enthusiasm and enough change to charter a larger
boat for more ambitious outings. Even Herreshof agrees:
“It is my opinion that the double-paddle canoe gives the most fun for
the money of any type of boat a person can possess, and I must say that it
is my favorite form of aquatic sport.”
You don’t have to settle for a canoe, but mull it over. One of the
purposes of running a business like
Classic Marine is to help
more people own a boat which suits their real needs, looks good, and which
works well. Most importantly, it should provide the fun that is at the
heart of owning your own boat.
For a new look at traditional yacht fittings
