I've been interested in Fleet Trows since I first read about them
in Eric McKee's wonderful book 'Working Boats of Britain - their shape and
purpose'. Some of you may remember that I even got around to working up a
design for a modern plywood version, the
Light Trow, which I felt
offered an alternative type of light skiff that could sail as well as row.
No-one has built it yet, but I still think that boat would make a great
camp cruiser on our rivers and Broads. Download the hull design
here, and the sailing rig
etc here.
Anyway, I recently had a chance to call in on the Fleet and take
some photos. The Fleet is an unusual body of water by UK standards: it's a
long flash behind a long arcing shingle beach, Chesil Bank, that itself is
notable for the way the stones grade from large to small along its length.
The sign tells most of the story, so I won't say much, except to observe
that if the King had made his planned trip, he would no doubt have been
placed in the shooter's 'throne' at the back of Pintail or one of her
sisters in order to pot a few wildfowl.
