Blekinge eka
design by Hans Friedel
Hi Chuck!!
Here is my version of a traditional Swedish small boat called "Blekinge
The BE is actually a rather strange boat because it is one of the few
Swedish traditional boats with a transom. The reason for that is because
the BE has its roots in an area that for a long time (1400-1500) has been
the Naval center of Sweden and has always been under strong influence from
other European boat builders were transoms were rather common. The Swedish
boatbuilders just added the transom to their traditional clink built
designs and the BE was born
Another specialty with the BE is that is actually a genuine sailboat. Most
other Swedish small traditional boats are rowing boats but they turned out
to be descent sailors too. The BE turned out to be a very good sea boat
and it started to spread along the coast. And you will find in most parts
of Sweden nowadays.
The Be is the mother of all Swedish traditional long keel boat with
transoms the Swedish "Folkboat" is an upscale BE.
The long keel of the BE makes it perform much more like a bigger boat than
a smaller dingy. For this reason the BE has always been popular among
sailing schools. And you can buy fiberglass boats today but the modern
Fiberglas BE has deeper keels and Bermuda rigs
The data for my boat is
Length 4.485m
Beam 1.43m
Displacement 350kg Freeboard height 0.270m at 350kg
Hull weight 100kg (aprox)
This boat would work fine for 1-3 persons. And it would be rather easy to
build according to the modern Stitch and glue technique.
If someone is interested I have full-size patterns and building drawings
Regards Hans Friedel
