Little Joe
by Scotty -
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I call this one "Little Joe" built with the vast
Connecticut River in mind. She has a 54" beam, a "Vee" bottom and 13"
sides. The bow has an extreme sweep up to the nose which keeps this boat
very dry. It has gone through several changes since the first time you saw
it, but it has developed into a great little boat. Weighing less than 80
lbs. and with almost 2 cubic feet of floatation this is a great boat for
kids and fits nicely on top of your car or in the back of a pickup truck.
Here in
Essex we are on the banks of the Connecticut River, which creates some
special circumstances for a tender. This River is very large and the water
moves at a good pace, especially near the mouth which leads into Long
Island Sound.
I have actually changed this vessel several times since
it's inception. It is a great tender and stays very dry. Reports have it
rowing better the more weight you load in it. This is also a great little
boat for kids in a small area, and at 80 Lbs. can be moved or stowed very
is another shot of the shape of the "Little Joe" hull. With her deep
keel forward and exaggerated forward side flair she tows nicely and
stays very dry. While she rows just fine, there is not a lot of
legroom and she is probably best used as a small motor transport or
mooring tender. |
I believe
Elegant Punt" is probably better used as a drift boat, a lake
boat, or a tender. For the river I needed something else.
After searching my plans and not finding what I wanted, I sat down
and designed, scaled, and then I built this boat with the vast
Connecticut River in mind. I gave my design a little higher and
smaller bow transom, as well as a "Vee" type bottom with slightly
less rocker and made it "real"...uh...pudgy...for um, well
anyway.... I also built the transom to hold a two horse. Reports
have this boat rowing very well with equipment and crew, and a
fellow who towed one out to "Block" in two foot seas said it arrived
drier than he did. |

My boat on
Rogers Lake. It is carrying a 3 HP motor which nicely moved
450 lbs. equipment and crew and still left 8 inches of draft. |
Limited time
special! Plans for "Little Joe" are now available fully detailed on four
17" X 22" blueprints with complete instructions. The picture on the left
comes from the blueprints of the light weight version of "Little Joe".
"Joe" is made with 2 sheets of plywood and a couple of wide boards for the
seats. Little Joe will weigh just about 60 pounds or less and is 7' 9" X
4' 2". Little Joe is not your standard Sabot or Peanut Pram although at
first glance it may appear so. I have designed this one more for a small
engine than some of the more traditional old "peanut" prams. I have taken
out some of the rocker (important for sailing and rowing, no so important
for motoring) and made Joe higher, wider, stabler, able to hold heavy
loads, and drier when towing too. (if you knew the "real" Joe you would
For a limited time these plans are available for
$25.00 /
IDesigns, LLC
55 Westbrook Road - P.O. Box 303 - Centerbrook, CT 06409
Click here for the secure order form |