Dear Chuck @ Duckworks Magazine:
I am submitting some pictures from the construction of a Bateau D4 8’
Dinghy that is nearly complete. This is my second boat that I have
constructed this year; the first was a Bateau 14’ canoe.
I wanted a small boat with an outboard motor to explore Lake Hopatcong in
NJ. A unique feature about this boat is that the oars are made from wooden
crutches! The oar handles can be attached from the blades. I used some
dowels as handles and rope to make it fit into the oarlocks. I wasn’t sure
of if I wanted to go with a sailing version or a rowing version – at the
end I felt the rowing version would be fine. I bought a small 2.5HP motor
from EBay that will get me around the lake. The boat looks dark because I
stained the wood with Mahogany Minwax on the boat before I applied epoxy.
This way I could leave the boat the way it is without painting it. I plan
to varnish the boat this spring.
I wanted to keep costs down, and built the rowing version in order to save
money on a sail, mast and additional marine hardware needed for sailing. I
made the boat heavy – putting fiberglass on the bottom, 2 part flotation
and old dirty wacky noodles under the seats for flotation.
I am happy the way the boat turned out! I already have plans for my next
project - A Sevtec Vanguard Hovercraft - but for this summer, this little
dinghy holds a lot of promise and potential.
Additional construction pictures can be found at
Thanks!David Sunshine |
