What have the D4 and One sheet Skiff got in
Hello Chuck
The answer to the question as to what has the "D4 and McLeod's One Sheet
Skiff got in common" is that after building the rowing version of the D4,
you're left with enough plywood - plus one 4' x 8' sheet needed to build
the standard skiff - to make a much sturdier small skiff with a bit of
rocker and ample freeboard.
I'm sending you some pictures to give you and idea of what I mean and, if
you're interested, I'll put something together and elaborate further and
give you the full story. Perhaps you can tell me what you require anyway -
after all, I've not done this sort of thing before.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for Duckworks Magazine,
it's really great stuff and of tremendous benefit and enjoyment to so
Regards, Pius
