Hello Chuck Managed to finish the 2
Piragua's just before Thanksgiving , Thought you would like to see
them , also the roof rack I made to transport them down to Los Angeles
(500 miles away) found the plans in an old Popular Mechanix mag (online)
And had to use 8 toilet plungers from Wall Mart , some 1x4 lumber plus a
few fittings from Ace Hardware 3/8 bolts , u shaped bolts , etc. cost
about 36 Bucks , the hold down straps go through the truck ,then close the
door !!!! worked perfect the boats did not move at all , and we where
traveling at freeway speeds to 65 mph these racks are easy to custom make
to fit any light weight boat. Will let you have all the Piragua
construction photo soon , may just put them all on a cd and mail them to
you. regards,
Steve Dandridge |
