I launched a V10 (plans from
https://www.bateau.com) last Saturday, Oct 19.
The original intention was to launch much sooner. However, the V10 proved
surprisingly hard to build. In fact, the project took considerably longer
than the Jim Michalak Mixer, although the V10 is smaller (10' vs. 12').
For example, I had to make the two bottom panels twice, because the first
plywood that I tried (fir) steadfastly refused to take the compound curve
at the bow. Okume was easier, but not by much.
Launch day was pretty cold, minus 5 degrees centigrade. Fortunately, the
lake had not entirely frozen; there was only some thinnish ice at the
shore. No problem breaking it.
Due to the weather, we only went rowing. This took very little effort.
However, (cold) water would shoot up through the daggerboard slot and hit
my... backside.
Sakari Aaltonen
Helsinki, Finland |
