Penguins pop up in all sorts
of places, at least here in the South of New Zealand where
Penguins preside and Polar Bears are but a figment of
a Northern explorers imagination. But this Penguin
is something really different. My friend Andrew Fink wanted
to move house. The factory in which he and his crew
build boats had become too small and Andrew had built
a brand new modern factory next to His Brothers ( Tristram
Boats, fibreglass speedboats) factory in Hamilton not
too far from where I live.

The new factory is just that, a modern
industrial building with a small showroom , all cement,
tinted glass and steel roller doors and he needed something
to identify the place with the building of wooden boats.

Andrew and Fleur have been friends
for a long time, and although we work in quite different
areas of boating, they know my work and one or other
of them came up with the idea of a boat as a counter
and reception desk, they looked at what
I had and selected Penguin as the basis for the
structure, and I duly handed over a set of plans, we
discussed the size and shape, deciding that the “boat”
could be to scale lengthwise and 1 ½ x in the beam and
away they went.

Well, the factory is in full production
now, the showroom full of boatie bits and the counter
in place. Andrew sent these pix over by email and I
just had to go and have a look. Its stunning, and a
wonderful advert for the companies boatbuilding abilities.

John Welsford
See John Welsford's
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