By John Cupp
Yes I do wonder why companies make fantastic claims
for their products in magazines. Just such a claim made me inquisitive
enough to call FREUD about their “Ultimate Cut-Off Saw”.
I spoke with their very knowledgeable representative about two
of their blades. The blades were soon at my doorstep and I just
happened to be ready to rip some red oak planks for the P.C.
Bolger Brick I was building.
I replaced a known very good blade with the LM74R010
Glue Line Rip blade that came in the same box as the LU85R010
Ultimate Cutoff Blade on my table saw. After checking the blade
for trueness I then placed my roller stands for the ripping
process. After the first cut with the Glue Line Rip blade I
noticed that the blade worked effortlessly through the red oak
and even with a full 1/8th” kerf. The saw cut as fast
as I could push the plank toward the blade (to a point).
The cut was also very, very smooth! I must make
it clear that I always use a smooth fluid motion and never try
to cram the wood into the blade. That could have a drastic effect
on my already miserable health situation. But at least I am
still able to walk and talk, but not at the same time. What
a joy this Freud ripping blade is. The cut doesn’t even
have to be sanded! If you are putting together a large glue-up
all you need to do is place your dowels or biscuits where you
want them and add glue.
I was so impressed I didn’t even finish
the ripping before I was changing blades again to test the Ultimate
Cut-Off Blade. These blades are miracles of modern technology
made available by Freud after years of development work. Freud
manufactures their own carbide in Italy to insure that their
products are of the highest quality possible.

The first time the ultimate cutoff blade cut
into wood it felt like magic. What was even better is the finish
on the wood after the cut. The saw blade is the last and most
important link in making a “perfect cut”. Freud
has made sure that this link has been made foolproof. I would
also like to mention that this blade will perform at its top
by making sure you have a zero clearance throat plate installed
on your saw. This will stop the edge of the wood at the bottom
of the cut from tearing as you finish the cut. I never make
a cut unless I have a zero clearance throat plate in place.
The only exception to that rule is if I were to use a Dado set.
The bottom line is that both Freud blades gave
the best results possible. I have used many saw blades in my
life but these blades are the best of any I have tried. They
may cost more than some blades but you get what you pay for.
With a Freud blade you can be sure that your saw will have the
best blade mounted to make cuts that will fit if you have done
your part.
As a test, Freud sent a thin kerf 72 tooth cross
cut blade for my sliding miter saw review I am doing. All of
the saws I am testing improved remarkably just using this blade.
Even a new saw that is packaged with an 80-toothed blade performed
better when I replaced it with the new 72-toothed blade from
Freud. Only when a manufacturer of one of the saws sent a 96-toothed
blade did the performance equal the Freud blade with 24 less
teeth. For the money, the Freud blades produce the best and
most accurate cut surfaces of any saw blades.
You deserve to try the Freud saw blades in your
saws. They gave top of the line performance in my saws. The
blade actually polishes the wood as it passes through it. It
leaves a super finish but I still recommend the old saying,
measure the wood twice and cut only once. It does leave a super
finish cut so you don’t have to work that hard after the
cut. From now on I will buy Freud blades, I enjoy having smooth
cuts. I am positive that my readers will love these blades as
In an upcoming series I am writing on router
use for boat building, I hope to use some of the Freud router
bits that are legendary for their sharpness and longevity. Just
like saw blades, you get what you pay for. Anyone can buy a
twenty dollar set of router bits at a flea market but if you
want to use them more than once you must buy quality bits or
blades. Imagine how frustrating it would be to have your two-dollar
saw blade fail in the middle of a teak plank that costs one
hundred dollars! Be sure to check out the closeout section on
the Freud site. They have many great quality deals to choose
from. My wife’s birthday is coming up so I just might
get her a new Freud blade for the saw she is getting (ha ha!
even I‘m not that stupid!).
From my tool crib to yours,

“Freud is a manufacturer and marketer
of superior carbide cutting tools for more than 50 years. Freud
leads the industry in innovative manufacturing, precision products
and quality service. Freud's product selection includes diamond-sharp
saw blades, router bits, shaper cutters, planer knives and power
tools. Freud's six manufacturing facilities in Western Europe
are ISO9002 quality certified, an acknowledgement to top quality
production processes. Freud manufactures its own carbide, specially
designed to meet the strenuous requirements of the woodworking
industry. Freud operates one of the most modern research centers
in Europe for the development and production of its own carbide.
Freud engineers consistently develop revolutionary designs that
set a new standard for high quality woodworking tools. Numerous
Freud products have earned recognition and accolades from woodworking
magazines for their superior quality and endurance”
“Visit them at"