Brick Hardtop
a design proposal by Magnus
I built a Bolger
Brick this spring, and I have enjoyed many fine days
of sailing this summer. The boats fulfills its purpose of going
to the beach and back, and is well suited for the shallow waters
of Dalälven. As the temperature outside is falling and sailing
requires wollen gloves, I feel like building something again instead.
The Brick is very roomy for a boat that small, and I wonder how
it would work as a microcruiser with a cabin, a sort of removable
hardop. A top that can be fastened quickly with wingnuts or rubbercord
whenever you feel like a "sleepover". It could be built
in the stitch-and-glue technique or the same fashion as the original
boat itself, plywood, ¾ by 1 ½ lumber, and clear
plastic for windows. It could be built light since it's not crucial
for the boats stability. A tent could be modified to cover the
aft, and seats with storage spaces would be useful. The sail on
my Brick would have to be altered, so that it doesnt touch the
canopy. Could be a fun weekend project.
Magnus Ericsson
Gävle, Sweden

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