McGrath" 17'
6" x 2' 8" Sailing/Rowing Camping Canoe
Victorian Gentlemans Sailing Canoe |
This is a sailing canoe with a
difference, it has 5 watertight compartments and a reinforced
mid section a 6' 6" long cockpit that you either paddle or
row from. With the dagger board and rudder up it draws 4"
fully laden. Fast under oars and fun to sail and with clear interior
you can even sleep full length aboard, ideal expedition and camping
boat. Great family project ! You provide the the 4 sheets of 4
or 6 mm and a single sheet of 8 or 9 mm marine or exterior WBP
plywood some small section Spruce or Douglas fir for the stringers.
The timber used for the building Jig will be used to make both
sets of masts and spars. Drawings for battened fan sails are provided
they can be made simply and cheaply using woven polyethelene.
The full set of 4 A1 size drawings are
provided free with a Resin/ hardener Canoe kit from:
Epoxy Resins |

The Kit Contains the following:
7.5 Kg epoxy resin/hardener
2 kg filleting blend
Pump measuring set
Glass tape and glass fabric to sheath hull
Brushes and sqeeeges
Epoxy Instruction leaflet
4 A1 size ready lofted highly detailed drawings
To buy a smaller version of this
style in a pre cut kit form would cost you over £1100 to
build. Our
Resin Drawing/Kit is just £150 !!
