Christmas Fun Cruise
(excerpted from Ocean
Spirit Magazine)
by Garry
A total of just 4 boats made it
to The Christmas Fun Cruise over the Christmas / New Year holiday
period this year but it was not through lack of interest, but
more so other commitments, bad weather and breakdowns which caused
many to miss out.
Sweetaz |
The 4 boats that did venture down
into The Great Sandy Straits were Garry and son Jay on “Talisman”,
Spencer and Julia Carr and kids on “Knot Too Farr”,
Rob Clark and his 2 sons on “Sweet Az” and Lou on
his Caper Cat. Graham and Sue Weier on “Ocarina” arrived
at Hervey Bay one day later to join the group but by the next
day the wind had picked up to over 25 knots, gusting to 35 knots
making it very difficult, almost impossible, for them to get out
of the Urangan Boat Harbour at Hervey Bay. Graham and Sue sat
for 3 days in the boat harbour waiting for a break in the weather
before calling it quits and heading back home after a freak accident
caused Sue’s hand to get jammed between the boat and the
wharf sustaining injuries to her hand which required a visit to
the hospital. I believe Sue is now well and truly on the mend.
The journey from Urangan Boat Harbour
at Hervey Bay across to Kingfisher Bay on Fraser Island was made
by the group on Friday December 27th in 15 to 20 knot winds, with
choppy seas. We departed at 2pm. The tide was at the peak of high
and so we decided to travel the direct rout to Kingfisher Bay
down the western side of Woody Island, over the mud flats (which
are well below the surface at high tide, but dry out at low tide)
rather than the standard navigational course of going around the
northern tip of Woody Island and then traveling down the Eastern
Knott Too Farr |
A very uncanny incident occurred
on the way across. One of the side stays on “Knot Too Farr”
unwound itself and came apart at the adjuster. This caused Spencer
and Julia to drop their sails. Garry on “Talisman”
sailed over to see if they were OK. Almost at the exact same spot,
the very same side stay on “Talisman” sprung loose!!
Maybe we were sailing a little too close to the twighlight zone!!
Becasue the wind was getting stronger and was coming directly
from Kingfisher Bay, Garry opted to drop his sails also and motor
directly for Kingfisher Bay. Spencer and Julia on “Knot
Too Farr” decided to re attach the side stay, pull the sails
up and power on. Considering Spencer is very new to sailing and
his wife Julia is not a good “bad weather” sailor
(or even a “moderate weather” sailor) I think they
did a fantastic job in the Farr 6000 to power through the wind
and waves, tacking all the way, until they arrived at Kingfisher
Lou's Caper Cat |
Lou on the Caper Cat, thought he
would take a different tack to everyone else and headed around
the bottom of Woody Island and made a run straight for Fraser
Island and then sailed down the coast line of Fraser Island to
stay in the protection of the islands wind shadow. Lou arrived
just after sunset, very tired and cold.
and boys on Sweet Az departed Urangan Harbour about 15 to 20 minutes
after the others (He was using a different boat ramp so we didn’t
even know he was there!) Rob decided to take the standard navigational
course to Kingfisher Bay and went around the northern end of Woody
Island, arriving at Kingfisher Bay at around 8pm. The total distance
from Urangan Harbour to Kingfisher Bay is just under 10 miles.
Under motor (most of the way) “Talisman” took just
on 3 hours. “Knot Too Farr”, sailing all the way,
took just on 4 and a half hours and Lou on the Caper Cat took
roughly 5 and a half hours. Going around the Northern end of Woody
Island, “Sweet Az” took just on 6 hours. The next
day, December 27th, a strong wind warning was issued, and the
water between Kingfisher Bay and Hervey Bay became very rough,
however at Kingfisher Bay we were totally protected with waters
so calm people were actually water skiing on them and paddling

Kngfisher Bay and Resort
We decided to sit tight at Kingfisher
Bay until the wind blew itself out and what a great place to sit
out the weather. Kingfisher Bay has a world class resort situated
just back from the beach and for $25 per boat, per day, you can
have full use of all the resort facilities. This included 4 pools
(1 heated), spa, water slide, tennis courts, showers and various
other “nice” options!
Dingo, Australia's native dog |
We were all amazed when a family
of 5 Dingo’s frequented our site every night, either just
before or just after sunset. They included a large male, a female
and 3 pups. While they seemed friendly enough we kept our eye
on them. The pups seemed to want to play and when Lou started
to jog up and down the beach, one of the pups joined in with him.
They were a magnificent site. On one occasion one of the dingo’s
decided they would pay Spencer and Julia a close visit by jumping
on board their boat. One of the pups scared the life out of Garry
after he and Lou were sitting and relaxing, after dinner, by the
sea. One of the pups walked up behind Garry and started jumping
around (like pups do when they want to play with you!) and snorting.
Because neither Lou or Garry heard the dingo come up behind them
it actually scared the life out of them!!
Jay Beattie, from “Talisman”
found the “wildlife” at the spa each day was much
more interesting and spent most of his time there making lot’s
of new friends!!
Sweet Az getting ready to race |
On Monday 30th, once the tide had
come in, Rob and Garry decided to have some fun with their boats.
Rob, on “Sweet Az” decided to challenge Garry from
“Talisman” to a race around Kingfisher Bay. Garry
accepted and the course was set for 4 laps, between a catamaran
anchored near the wharf and another catamaran anchored some distance
down the beach with the finish line between the wharf and a floating
barge roughly 100 feet off the wharf, giving a very narrow finish
line. Garry recruited the help of Lou from the Caper Cat. Spencer
and Julia decided to sit it out and watch. The swirling winds
coming directly from behind the Island made the race very interesting
to say the least, with the boats neck and neck for most of the
race. On occasions the boats would only be no more than 20 feet
apart when one would get a huge lift and the other no wind at
all. As the 2 boats battled it out on the water, they attracted
a number of spectators to watch, mostly from the many yachts anchored
off Kingfisher Bay, with some of them yelling out support and
advice! One rather
large yacht offered to loan Garry his spinnaker so that he could
catch up with “Sweet Az”!! Eventually “Talisman”
won the race and everyone returned to the beach with smiles from
ear to ear!
On one of the day’s Lou talked
Rob and Garry into walking up the steep trail to the lookout,
well above Kingfisher Bay. It was well worth the effort to climb
up as the view was nothing short of spectacular, overlooking the
Sandy Straits from Kingfisher Bay back up as far as Urangan Boat
next day we decided to try and venture further down into the Great
Sandy Straits. Whilst “Sweet Az”, “Knot Too
Farr” and the Caper Cat departed, “Talisman”
was forced to wait behind whilst Garry’s son, Jay said farewell
to all the friends that he had made, particularly the girls! Before
Garry could get away, Lou arrived back on his Caper Cat explaining
that the wind was too great and he opted to return to Kingfisher
Bay. “Sweet Az” and “Knot Too Farr” continued
on to Garry’s Anchorage where they stayed for 2 nights.
On the way down to Garry’s Anchorage the boats came across
an old wreck which kept everyone interested as they sailed past.
Oliver and Oscar check out the
shipwreck |
Meanwhile, back at Kingfisher Bay
Resort Garry and Lou decided to join in with the resort New Years
Eve celebrations, whilst Jay opted to join his new friends at
the special teenagers nightclub for New Years Eve. Kingfisher
Bay Resort was alive with people. A special journey by the Quick
Cat brought an extra 200 or so people in for the night to join
in the celebrations. The band was pumping and the scene was set
for an enjoyable night. Later Lou decided to venture off to the
nightclub whilst Garry elected to stay at the resort and celebrate
in relaxed style.
Lou must have had a good time as
he didn’t get back to his boat until well after 2am!
mid morning on New Years Day Rob and his 2 sons arrived back at
Kingfisher Bay on their way back to Hervey Bay. Unfortunately
for Rob, he hopped off his boat and we all went up to the resort
village for some morning tea. On his return the tide had gone
out very quickly and Robs boat had dried out. He was well and
truly stuck until about 5pm that night. Rob decided that it would
be best to now stay one more night at Kingfisher Bay and then
sail back with Lou and Garry when they ventured back to Hervey
Bay the next day.
On Thursday January 2nd, all 3
boats “Talisman”, “Sweet Az” and the Caper
Cat departed Kingfisher Bay and returned back to Hervey Bay to
complete what was another very enjoyable, and relaxing, Christmas
Fun Cruise.
Spencer and Julia on “Knot
Too Farr” stayed in the Great Sandy Straits for a couple
more days before heading back home.