If anyone wants to take a look at my big boatbuilding
project for the year, I've been documenting the process on a
web site. I discovered I could get 50 MB on an internet servier
for $1.99/month and a domain name for $6. It's a great way to
keep a scrapbook.
I'm at
I was hoping to get her launched this year, but didn't make
it. This boat is an experiment -- an 18' Nutshell Pram with
a Jewellbox-type cabin. I have no idea how she's going to perform,
but it's been fun to build her.

Arcebus: the model.
It's kind of hard to see in this picture, but I'll have a landing
craft-type fold-down ramp in the bow to help get in and out
of the boat when beached.