Must be the drugs from the surgery
earlier in the week... Rather than do nothing boat-wise while
waiting 24 hours for
the Rustoleum on the Vamp's gunwales to cure, I made a sail
for the LilJon:

Now I don't know beans about sailing,
other than what I've been reading. My stepson (15) says he knows
how to sail, guess we'll see.

According to Polysail Dave's website,
this is a 47.5 sq ft Spirit sail. I did this on the cheap though
since it's just an experiment, and used the duct tape construction
from Uncle John's- did use Dave's pocket for the spirit boom

No idea how well this is going to work. Still have to make the
rest of the sailing bits and figure a good way to temporarily
attach a rudder.

May be a few weeks before I can do
anything with this since I'm still recovering from shoulder
surgery and that boat is heavy, even for two people.
Also need to get this Vamp