(see update2)
Here's a few views of the canoe
my pal Jim is making. It's his first attempt at boat building,
and I think he has every right to be pleased with himself for
two reasons: the boat itself; and what he's learnt making it.
He's built it for his kids to play with on the lake at the bottom
of his garden - his household shares it with about thirty others.
He built it from some plans I
devised for them, and following a bit of tweaking and trialling
on the water (Jim's was the first to be built), in a short while
I'll make them available for free via Duckworks and Free Boat
Design Resources (
And, of course, now that he's
done all the hard work making up the moulds and strong-back,
I plan to make one as well. I'll only have to do the fun bit
he he he hee heee!