by Bill Bloomer
After having good success with the One Man Jonboat
that we built a couple of years ago, my brother and I decided
to build one that would carry the two of us.
I bought Jim Michalak’s book “Boatbuilding
for Beginners (and Beyond)”. This is a great book
and was a big help. The plans for Jonsboat
are included in the book as are the instructions needed to get
underway. I can’t say enough about this boat. We are both
big guys and this is an incredibly stable boat with plenty of
room to fish without getting in each other’s way.
The first two pictures are of the boat under construction.

We followed the plans for the most part. Jim recommends
½” ply for the bottom and ¼” for the
sides. We used ½” for everything. The seat tops
are 1” pine.
We also built the boat with the chine logs on the inside. I
didn’t like the idea of wrapping the fiberglass around
the outside chines. We did not cover the entire bottom with
glass, only the seams. By the way, the angles that Jim gives
with the plans are right on. All the joints were nice and tight.
We also modified the gunnels so that we had lots of places to
tie stuff.
The next pictures are of my brother and I on launch
day. We went out with just the trolling motor, since we hadn’t
registered the boat yet.

I think the boat draws about an inch of water
with nobody in it and only a few inches with the two of us aboard.
The trolling motor is 34 lbs thrust and moves the boat nicely.
We have since tried a 5HP outboard and a 15HP.
With the 15, the boat really moves. The 5 is fine and we will
stick with that. I think a 9.9 would be the best choice if we
had one. It would be plenty of motor and also let us get on
the lakes that are limited to 10.
The boat moves along much better with two people
than with one. The extra weight up front trims the boat.
The last pictures are of my brother and his wife
out in the boat.

The flat floor of the boat allows his wife to
use a folding chair which makes for a comfortable ride.
This is an easy boat to build and I would recommend
it to anyone looking for a very stable boat for calm water.
It’s not a rough water boat. We had the
boat out on a windy day last week on a lake with some white
caps. We had the 15 HP motor on that day and we had to go pretty
slow to keep the boat from pounding.