Sweet Peas
G'day Chuck
I have finally got a rough and ready web site
online devoted to the construction of Paul's and my Sweet
Pea's. It has some pics of both projects already,
and I will soon add some construction tips and pitfalls to watch
out for.
The link is:
I have since redone the look of the site (getting
the hang of Frontpage now), but can't update it yet as BOGPOND
is having problems with user web site areas. If you can't connect
to it then blame the ISP, and check back again at a later time.
The site will be updated on a regular basis as Paul and I make
progress on the boats.
One plus is that there are two boats on the one
site so visitors can see the alternative aproaches to the same
problems all in the one place, like a one stop sweet pea shop!
Mark Paterson

Laminating the stem