Bruce Hector sets the record

On September 6th, 2003, a 95
foot modular sharpie sailed for the first time at the Kingston

Bruce Hector, organizer of
the event and captain of the TIMS unit beamed from ear to ear.

Several of the units were built
at the last minute. Here, Frank San Miguel & son caulk seams....

...and Chris Bullen works on
his while two completed units wait patiently in the background.

Finally, the last few units
were launched...

...into the drink...

...and added to the record
breaking effort.

Elaine Hector casts off the
bow line in preparation for the maiden voyage. (notice that
Elaine is not aboard)

Captain Bruce carefully backs
away from the dock...

...and sails into the record

Flags flying, TIMS savors her