Here'a a pick of my newest sail boat, a Bolger Micro. Just imagine
the stares when she's painted to match the truck.
Bruce Hector
PS - don't forget about the Kingston
messabout |
This is the link to the South Shore Waterfowlers Association's
Annual Duckboat Show.
My son's & I went to this show and thoroughly enjoyed it.
They had duck boats that ranged from the deluxe down to a couple
that needed a lot of tlc to float.
Allen Read
Gaithersburg, MD |
Hey Chuck,
Hear ya'll are going to the Canadian Messabout in Sept. We be
go'n too! Get'n all ready but can't decide on which boats to bring.
I'll bring 2...one will be the akette...haven't decide which of
the others to bring like the original Yakoo...da yeller and white
one, the Stealth....that's pretty beat up cause I use it a lot
or the new skinboat. Wife wanted me to take the Featherwind!...the
Bay-B-"K". No can do! It's bigger than the Tracker and
the Teardrop put together! Finally got the damn rack welded up
and mounted. Thing was a pain in the butt! ..not making but mounting
and getting half way level. She'll easily carry two of these lightweighters.

they said that to bring all the old boat stuff,
books, plans to a boating Yard Sale! Now that sounds like fun!
I got to looking around and I got all kinds of goodies that folks
could use! Brand new heavy duty oarlocks that I paid 42 buck for
from Defender about 2 years ago! I'll never use them! Too much
into the lazy type paddling with the double kayak paddle. All
kinds of cleats, jam cleats, Kestal 1000 windmeter ..in the box,
blocks, pulley, etc. and a New in the box Standard Horizon 260
VHS radio! Even got some sculling paddles and a new Featherlite
canoe paddle about 4 feet long I've had laying around for years.
Too much other nit shit stuff to mention, but I'm bringing it!
Who knows....might even pay fer the trip.
Later - Richard
Frye |
Yup... she finally sails.
After about a month of struggling with a series of sewing machine
problems, I finally sailed Doris complete with a 60sqft spritsail
this evening in a F2 dropping through F1.

She sails pretty well, with a light weather helm - about 3degrees,
so it's really quite light in these conditions but I don't expect
it to change much in a blow. Going about is a stately affair,
but I found that if I held on and accepted that she would not
turn on a sixpence in the way a racing dinghy does she always
got there in the end - and after several boat lengths. I must
have gone about a dozen times and gybed a couple, and I did not
once get stuck in irons.
Despite what you might have read about small dories,
Doris does sail upwind
in light winds perfectly respectably (45 degrees or less - really!),
reaches at a reasonable lick and runs in a satisfying sort of
way. In fact, I was very pleasantly surprised to find how well
she would go upwind, given that I have still some rig tuning to
do (of course!). I should make it clear that even with tuning,
she won't ever be a racer but that's hardly to be expected with
a long slender boat's large wetted area and small sail plan.

What she'd be like in an F4 is anyone's guess, but my feeling
is that she'll be just fine in an F3, and that reefing (scandalizing
in this case) will be needed somewhere around F4-5.
I think I've got the boat I thought it would be
fun to own: Doris
is a very good rower and reasonable sailer, and will be a fine
boat to explore some of our rivers and estuaries. No pictures
yet, I'm sorry - I didn't have anyone to take them.
Cheers, Gavin
PS - I've started a discussion group for those interested in
building my designs:
Check this
link for more information about the Schooner (Virginia) I'm
working on
Mike Goodwin

Hi, Chuck-
just arrived back from Norway. Funny thing has happened to me
during our journey. A few minutes after take off I saw Vistula
river near Warsaw (at right) through jet's window. I took my camera
and shot a few times, very glad of this opportunity. Half an hour
and three hundred kilometers later, on eight thousands meters,
I saw Vistula river again, in her delta area, showing one of her
outlets to the Baltic sea near Gdansk (below). Remember my planned
journey to northern system of canals? That's exactly what I told
about! Pics are not perfect, but I didn't care for National Geographic
in that moment. There are two of them attached.

Anyways, I'm back home to keep on building Campjon
and see these places once more, maybe not so easy and quick, but
surely much closer. Next pictures should look better.
Best regards.
-Wojtek |
I hosted a messabout at my place on the Solstice
weekend June 21. Here are some photos of it.
Frank Mabrey created a web site for the messabout it shows my
We are behind Catapiller Island which is on Fishermen's Slough
which is very sheltered. Caterpillar Island is a undeveloped park
is about 75 feet from our dock and about one mile long. I have
thought about building mouseboats to rent for people wanting to
go to the island or just messabout in the sheltered slough. I
would restrict them to the protected waters and not to go onto
the Columbia. I do not know how if that could be enforced or weather
it is a good idea or not. Liveries on the coast have high speed
boats that if you go beyond the harbor mark they will come and
tow you back
Lon Wells |

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