Mark Paterson Email:
The Random
Orbital Sander Adapter for Angle Grinders
Use your old 100mm/4" or 115mm/4.5"
Angle Grinder.
story goes like this.
My nifty little random orbital
sander came to an early demise one day after sanding some fine
sawn beams. It was quite warm but going well until I decided to
have a break and rest it on the stool, but clumsy me caught my
foot on the lead as I was walking away and caused the sander to
fall and hit the concrete floor. Even though the fall wasn't great
it was enough to damage the armature, after that the trusty old
sander had to be retired.
Some weeks later I was lurking
around in the tool department of a large store near home when
I spotted the Triton â display center, up there at the top
was the new Random Orbital adapter head. Hmmm say's I as the old
gray matter calculates the difference in cost between a new dedicated
sander and this new do-hickey.
To replace the old sander with
something similar I was looking at around $350 Au(there
are cheaper units around but don't fooled, pay good money for
a good quality unit, the benefit will be a long relationship).
The Triton â Sander adapter was only $85 Au, even better
was the fact that I had a perfectly good 100mm grinder sitting
around doing nothing so this looked like a great solution. After
three months of usage I would say I'm very impressed with the
Points in favor:
Low cost
compared to alternatives.
easily into sander or angle grinder as needed.
The cost
of an average angle grinder plus the Triton â adapter
is still cheaper than a dedicated sander on it's own.
It removes
material faster due to the higher revolutions of the angle
The sanded
surface is left with almost no swirls.
Most angle
grinders have a side handle and lock switch, so it's comfortable
to use. This means more accurate sanding.
Uses the
normal hook and loop style Velcro on the pad.
pads seem to last just as long as they did on my old sander.
sanding pads are easy to get in any store.
It is noisier
than most good sanders.
a slightly higher vibration factor than my old sander.
any sort of dust extraction or containment. (A dust mask is
a must have with this unit)
User must remember
to place the pad on the surface (before) switching on, or
the grinder will spin it up too fast so that surface damage
could be caused.
The pad can
generate heat. (I have found that normal use with the occasional
stop to check on progress doesn’t generate enough heat to
cause damage)
That's about
all I can come up with on the against side. If you are looking
at buying a sander and already have an angle grinder then
this really is a great alternative, with good savings to be
And now
some info about Triton, the innovative all Australian tool maker.
Manufacturing & Design CO. PTY. LTD
A.C.N: 006 021 683
14 - 18 Mills Street, Cheltenham,
Victoria, Australia, 3192
Phone: +61 03 9584-6977 Fax:
+61 03 9584-5510
