Graphite Barrier for Bottom Protection
by Steve Fisher
My goal is to build a Wee Lassie stripper within
the next year or so and to that end I have been repeatedly reading
Boatbuilding” by Mac McCarthy. On page 43
he writes a paragraph on scratch resistance using a special
powder. In fact that special powder additive is graphite powder
so on my last order to Raka I added 16 ozs. of the stuff. Previously
I had written about a semi whitewater trip I took on a local
stream with my 5 panel L’il Kate in the course of which
I put some serious scratches in the bottom. I made the necessary
repairs, including additional tape on the seams. It seems that
almost every place I launch or land there are rocks and gravel
so I continued to put deep scratches in the bottom, nothing
really bad but they offended my esthetic sense.

When I got the powder I immediately had to give
it a try. BTW if you’ve ever handled toner you know what
this stuff is like. First I taped off the area and then I gave
it a rough sanding to improve adhesion. Mixed it per directions
and proceeded to paint it on. Of course I used a chip brush
and had to pull bristles all over the place. When varnishing
a few hairs are no problem because of the light sanding prior
to varnish but be more careful with this stuff. I had no idea
how it would work but it sure looked very cool.

My first experience with the new bottom was a
few days later at the Kingston Messabout and it seemed to work
quite well. Since then I have paddled numerous times at my local
rock pile and it works quite well for scratches. Doesn’t
do a great job of protecting the bow but as you can see from
the photos the scratching does not seem to penetrate the epoxy
barrier combo. The yellow tape is waterproof electricians tape
which I think looks good and holds quite well in fact through
a 2500 mile trip to Nova Scotia including a few mean storms.
