The First Annual
Duckworks 'Girl in a Boat' Photo Contest
Click here for
entries - Click here to see the winners

You will never win this contest
if you spend all your time in a tree! Come on out and go through
all those pictures you have taken over the years. Find some photos
of girls in boats and send them in. The boat does not have to
be yours, but it does have to be handmade. Send in as many as
you want; we are using this as an excuse to post a lot of pictures.
The best format would be .jpg pictures
sent by e-mail, but we will be happy to scan any snapshots you
want to send (please include a stamped, self addressed envelope
so we can return them). All photos will be published, and the
editorial staff at Duckworks will judge the winners. First place
will receive a year of Duckworks Magazine.
For each entry, please tell us
the name of the girl, the name and designer of the boat, the name
of the builder, and where the picture was taken. You may include
a caption if you want to. Here are a couple of examples:

D4 dinghy desighed by Mertens-Goossens
"Boo Boo" built by Mike Saunders
Lake Martin (Alabama) Messabout
Photo by Chuck Leinweber

"Now, how does this work, again?"
Skinboat designed and built by Richard Frye
Kingston, Ontario Messabout
Photo by Chuck Leinweber
There will be awards for First,
Second, and Third place photos. The prizes will be a one year
subscription to Duckworks for first, 6 months for second, and
three months for third.
Duckworks Magazine makes no copyright
claims to the pictures beyond the right to publish them on the
website. All judges decisions are final, and don't try to send
any bribe money with your submission.
Mail entries to
Duckworks Magazine
608 Gammenthaler
Harper, TX 78631
Or e-mail to
The deadline is March 31, 2004
Send any questions to