design by Jim Michalak

Imresboat is a slimmed up version of Larsboat
which was designed for Lars Hasselgren to replace a Folboat
that had finally met its end. Lars wanted capacity for two,
plus decking, as with his old Folboat. But Imre wanted something
more slender and lower in the same length. The result is 26"
wide instead of 30" wide. And the result of that is that
Imresboat is a single seater because the capacity has been reduced
with the width. Imre wanted it even narrower but I hoped to
stay within the tippyness bounds of most folks. Not sure yet
how narrow something like this can get before the normal guy
can't sit upright in it. I do know that you apparently can get
used to about anything in that respect as experienced kayakers
The deck opening is smaller to sit just one man
but I think it is longer than the usual kayak because us older
folks have trouble fitting our legs through the hole in a performance
kayak. Something like putting on a pair of pants without standing
(Here is a photo of Paul Moffitt's Larsboat with
two aboard.)

Another change I made with Imresboat is to go
to thinner plywood to save weight. In this case I suggest 1/8"
ply for everything except the bottom which is still 1/4".
Not sure where the 1/8" plywood comes from but it used
to be what they skinned doors with. Be sure to boil a sample
and hope it is waterproof. Anyway, Chuck Leinweber brought a
Toto to our messabout with 1/8" ply sides and 1/4"
bottom and it struck me as being fine for stiffness and strength.
Like Toto and Larsboat, Imresboat is taped seam construction.
I'm guessing at the 50 pound weight but for example Larsboats
built of 1/4" plywood have weighed between 60 and 80 pounds
depending on who built them.