April Tools Wooden Boat Challenge
by Rick Crook
Hello Chuck,
Thought your readers might be interested in our
"April Tools Wooden Boat Challenge" up here in Pender
Harbour, British Columbia. Held on the last weekend in April,
teams of four are given 3 hours to build a boat out of a fixed
set of materials, using only hand tools and cordless drills
and then race them around a 10 minute course. Until this year,
the bill of materials was:
is absolutely amazing how many different boats were designed
to these rules, canoes predominate, but a nice skiff, a small
catamaran, and a plywood 4 man skull were also built.
This year, we have raised the stakes by removing
one of the sheets of plywood from the materials, and the course
will involve a bit of a slalom to test maneuverability.
I have enclosed a few photos from years past,
and I would challenge your readers to come out to Pender Harbour
and enter this years event. Also attached is a copy of the poster
(see above - click to enlarge).
Rick Crook
(click images to enlarge)
