Weekender “Herriot” goes
on the B.E.E.R. cruise
by John Weigandt
A Vague Idea Forms
When I have time, I frequent the regular chat
nights on the Trailer Sailor web site (www.trailersailor.com)
. On one such night probably last January or February, the subject
of the Backwater Environmental Escape Rendesvous came up. I
commented that it sure would be nice to have a bigger boat at
times, to go on such adventures, and the concensus of the group
was. “The Weekender will do just fine…. Come on
With a graduating high school senior in the house,
and lots of summer activities, there was no big summer trip
on the schedule for the family, so I sheepishly asked my wife,
“would it hurt your feelings if Thomas and I went on a
weeks sailing adventure this summer.” Much to my surprise,
she said “Not a problem”, so the planning began.
I had launched my Weekender “Herriot”
in late August of ’98, but for the most part, she has
been a day sailor. I had camped on her a couple of nights at
a messabout in Bloomington Indiana, but that was it. We live
about a mile from the launch ramp on the Mississippi River,
in Moline, Illinois, and the Weekender with her 15 minute setup,
and extreme shallow draft is the perfect little river vessel
for me. But a cruise… an honest to goodness cruise was
a horse of a different color.
I had spent lots of time on the water in many
varied conditions, including taking the 6 foot summation of
2 powerboat wakes over the bow, 37 mph winds on Lake Monroe,
everything from dead calm to heeling over till water came over
the top rail, river currents etc, so the sailing part wasn’t
intimidating at this point. We’d been on Table Rock, McBride,
Okoboji, 2 area small lakes, and the Mississippi, But it was
the cruising… being in strange places with the need to
be self reliant that was intriguing. Also the lure of bigger
water, salt water, dolphins, turtles etc., smelled like an adventure.
Self reliance is of course relative. The BEER
cruise would ultimately involve about 46 sailboats of all sizes
and shapes, most of them production boats. There is great safety
in numbers.
We gathered gear slowly over the months that followed.
I already had, handheld VHF, GPS, portapot, one burner propane
stove, bilge pump (the cockpit in the weekender is not self
draining). The plan was for each sailor to have his own duffel
for clothes and personal effects (Thomas the 10 year old couldn’t
go completely without gameboy.) I would get 2 rectangular sterilite
brand containers. One was for food, and the other for boat gear,
tools spare prop, shear pins, flares, horn, first aid, medicine,
whistles etc. We also had a medium sized cooler.
Cabin space being precious, we would move the
plastic bins out to the cockpit at night, along with the cooler,
and into the cabin during daytime.
Having spent 2 nights at Monroe on 2 of the closed
cell hard camp pads, I decided to obtain 2 more pads of the
“self inflating” variety. One was “coleman”,,
and the other “Ozark Trail” The latter turned out
to be the better pad because it was divided into sections, with
more foam available for your back and butt, and a separate pillow
compartment. The self inflators were placed on the cabin floor
on top of the old closed cell backpacking pads. The combination
was adequate, but not luxurious.
How Do You Make a Boat the Size of a Weekender
into a “Cruiser”?
Starting at the bow, we had 1 small and 1 larger danforth style
anchor, 1 mushroom river/lake style anchor. 10 feet of chain followed
by 100 feet of rode, in a large square cat food bucket, and another
separate 50 foot rode. These lived under the hatch in the forepeak.
There was also room up there for our Coleman 3 person inflatable
in its duffel bag. We had learned the year before at Table Rock
that the oars that come with the Coleman were nearly worthless.
It becomes a very maneuverable little dink when paddled with a
kayak double paddle, which was lashed to the forward shroud with
sail ties when cruising. We had a 12 volt inflator that can set
up the dink in a couple of minutes. The jib was also stowed in
the forepeak, with a few bottles of water filling in the cracks.
Just after the forward bulkhead, with it’s new mosquito
netting , our duffels would reside at our heads. The Weekender
has 2 small shelves that held paper towels, kleenex, diaper wipes
for freshening up faces etc. Books, gameboy, sony walkman, etc
also stayed here. The shelves are actually angled back to the
inside of the hull and stuff stays put at some amazing angles
of heal. I mounted rubber “pole grippers” above and
below the shelves. These held our Minn Kota telescoping combo
paddle and boat hook (highly recommended), Along with the removable
navigation light poles (Attwood). The bedding was as previously
described. Since we were heading to Florida, we took along only
small light “fleece” style sleeping bags, and small
travel pillows. The portapot sat center just under the sliding
hatch, forward of the combination companionway seat/deep cycle
battery box. The battery box also held charts (graciously prepared
by someone on the BEER organizing committee.) some small tools,
extra zip ties, and the 12 volt inflator for the coleman dink.
Hanging overhead, was the one piece of gear that proved indispensable.
It was a Coleman tent fan. It runs off of 1 D cell and is rated
to run for 16 hours on 1 battery. It actually exceeded this in
our use, and was a lifesaver in what turned out to be a couple
of hot nights.
To sleep in a weekender, your feet actually extend into a compartment
that goes through the aft bulkhead under the area of the cockpit
seats (up to about ½ way back). Its plenty of length for
someone much taller than me, but I took advantage of the fact
that I’m 5’9” and put the large million candle
handheld search light, and a throwable seat pad beyond my feet,
and a case of bottled water at Thomas’s feet. Fire extinguisher
mounted high on the starbord side of the rear bulkhead. We had
a “dry bag” of the canoe/kayak variety that held spare
shoes, paper towels, and dry cloth towels.
The movable Sterilites were pretty much kept to one side during
the day, along with the dry bag, so Thomas could still retire
to the cabin to get out of the sun. I had both the solid hatch
board and a matching mosquito screen hatch frame.
Moving out to the cockpit, we had 2 self inflatable seat pads
(highly recommended and much more comfy than the thicker harder
throwable). Under the cockpit seats on 1 side was 4 gallons of
fresh water in 1 gallon jugs, along with a collapsible style water
container, and a “sun shower”. The other side had
a plastic dishpan, 1 burner propane camp stove, and a boy scout
style mess kit for cooking and heating water.
Overhead we had our “Hillbilly Bimini” The weekender
has a cabin sweeping boom, so bimini under sail is impossible,
but for motoring and anchoring, I had made for last year’s
vacation, a polytarp shade with 2 pvc cross poles that mounts
to the boom when it is pulled up by the gaff apparatus in “topping
lift” fasion.
in cruising configuration with her “hillbilly bimini”
and yellow dry bag
(click image to enlarge) |
Bringing up the rear in the Lazarette were two Gas
cans of 1 ¼ gallon capacity. I outfitted these with a spout
that you press to deliver gas, and when you withdraw, the gas
stops immediately making refuel on the water a much more practical
matter. Hanging off the stern would be our trusty 3.3 Mercury
2 stroke on a spring loaded lifting bracket. It runs about 1 hour
on about 1/3 gallon of gas… taking you about 5 ½
miles under calm no current conditions. Starting with a full Merc,
that would give me about 35 miles range before refuel if motoring.
I also made a custom wood swim ladder for the trip. I had been
embarrased in front of my family at Okoboji, when I demonstrated
that it was impossible to reboard the Weekender from the water
or a swim tube unaided. So, after months of consideration and
planning, my little day sailor was now a cruiser.
Off We Go .. Destination Pensicola.
The drive down was to take the better part of 2 days. We poured
it on the first day, arriving somewhere at a motel in Northern
Alabama the first night. To our surprise, the parking lot was
covered with Model A Fords on a road ralley. We awoke on Friday
morning to see them off, and one nice driver let Thomas sit in
the drivers seat for a few minutes.
(click image to enlarge) |
We arrived at the Pensacola Naval Shipyard Marina
late afternoon, and rigged the boat. Loading was another story.
My normal 15 minute launch ritual was extended to more like an
hour. After meeting and greeting folks I had known for sometimes
4 years, but never met (isn’t the internet wonderful), we
launched Herriot. She was a surprising sight. I had never seen
her floating so low, laden with all that cruising gear. “She
usually floats like a leaf”, I thought, “she’ll
sail like a dog”. We then motored around to the shallow
side of C dock. The 2 most common comments were “What a
pretty boat”, and “ You’re not really sleeping
in there are you??”.
Impromptu dock party
(click image to enlarge) |
As night fell, we had supper of sandwiches, applesauce,
cheese, cookies, and I had an adult beverage. Thomas went up and
down the dock meeting other kids and checking out different boats.
He spent much of the evening watching a movie on portable DVD
with Kevin on “Liberty Call”, while Dad went back
and forth between there, and talking with everyone else. Once
Thomas was bedded down, (actually reading a book), I listened
to Charles Brennan and Noemi Ybarra on “Urchin” playing
guitar and singing. When I retired, I was hot, due to lack of
breeze, and the coleman fan probably saved my life. I was also
like a kid on Christmas eve, so sleep didn’t come easily.
Leaving the Shipyard under
sail, motor up
(click image to enlarge) |
We leave civilization
Morning came, and as we rolled up the bedding, I noticed Thomas’s
pillow was wet. We had taken on about a few ounces of water on
the port side overnight. A thousand miles of trailering had evidently
taken its toll, but the closed cell foam camp pads had kept everything
except the pillow dry. I got some fast cure 5200 and sealed as
best I could where the water appeared, and later would put our
chamois camp towel in that area. We continued to take on about
a hand towel full of water per 12 hours for the duration of the
After coffee and donuts at the marina shelter, a light breeze
started, and it was time to shove off. We motored a short way
out into the narrow channel leading to Pensacola bay, and raised
the sails. A light breeze carried us under the bridge and out
into the bay and we were off. The sail down the bay to the more
open water was tame but pleasant. We gave wide berth to the Naval
Base. Sailboats were in front and behind us filling the bay. We
headed west after clearing the base, and the wind died. Thomas,
who was in a full life jacket was sweating like a horse, so I
let him unbuckle and air out some. He suggested starting the motor,
but I told him that we wouldn’t be the first. After seeing
some other motors come on, we motor sailed for maybe ½
hour west, when the wind seemed to return a bit. What’s
that… dark clouds on the horizon. “Hey Thomas, you
see that place where the air beneath the clouds is dark.. that’s
rain, and it’s gonna hit us”.
Thomas at the helm, just
before the squall. “If I close one eye, I can follow
the other boat better, maybe that’s why Pirates have
eye patches”
(click image to enlarge) |
So Thomas dutifully rooted through the gear box
for the foulies. The first rain hit before we donned them, but
it was warm and refreshing, not the bone chilling Illinois variety.
I was watching the water for evidence of high wind, and seeing
nothing alarming on the way, we stayed at full sail. Things picked
up a bit, and we both climbed to the windward side of the cockpit,
as we had so many times before. I’m guessing that top wind
for the day was in the 20 mph range. We saw other boats striking
sail, and it is prudent to stay well within your comfort zone,
but we’d been here before in cold wind, and this warm summer
storm was kind of fun. We also noticed that even laden so heavily,
motoring or sailing, Herriot was doing a respectable job of keeping
pace with the fleet. Sure the Precision and Tri blew our doors
off, but the Mac’s and Potter kept fairly close company,
along with the other small boat with big sail, Damion on his little
16 footer.
Damion with more Harken
gear than I’ve ever seen
(click image to enlarge) |
Lightning seemed high and in the distance, and
besides we had 45 aluminum lightning rods surrounding our wooden
boat. As we pressed on into the narrows, we lost much of the wind,
and what little was there was coming on the nose, so motoring
again were we. We were overtaken by the one Trimaran on the cruise,
but I told Thomas that any time he wasn’t going 3 times
our speed, we were winning.

Herriot Sailing on Pensacola Bay (photo
by Damion Esmond)
After leaving the narrows, going across the big
lagoon, more sailing was possible. Final destination was Roberts
Bayou behind Pirates Cove Marina. Herriot had covered 23 miles
or so, her longest adventure from any launch point to date. Charlie
Jones (a sailors gentleman by any measure) invited us to raft
up with Laura and him on “Necessity” , since he was
already anchored with a big plow. After some putzing with my 4
fenders, we had arrived. Brennan was already snorkeling around
the boats setting anchors. Thomas went for a swim and snorkel,
bobbing around in his life jacket, for a well earned rest. And
not very much later, I joined him. The water was surprisingly
Later, we inflated the coleman, and paddled ashore
for a visit to pirates cove for a late lunch of chicken fingers
for Tom and corn dog for me. Thomas swam at the beach next to
the long finger pier, and I gabbed, while watching him with one
eye. Pirates cove is an amazing laid back place. Later we climbed
back into the dink and rowed over to see how the other half lives.
We boarded Tom Parrent’s chartered monster catamaran for
a short chat. Got ice from Pirates cove, and returned to our boat,
where we had hot dogs, canned fruit, more cheese, I heated some
water and Thomas had a sponge bath and went to bed. I talked with
the others in our small raft up, and climbed aboard “Necessity”
for a short time to chat. I think that’s the night I had
some of Charles Brennan’s world famous planter’s punch.
Just a little bit of that stuff will make you forget just when
you drank it, but it goes down like soda pop. Some of our “overflow
“ gear stayed in the dink for the night. The most surprising
part of the trip so far was the complete absence of any biting
bugs at all… zip zero nada… It was cooler than the
night before, and when my head hit the pillow I was out.
Inside Pirates Cove
(click image to enlarge) |
Laura on Necessity
(click image to enlarge) |
Recreation in the bayou
(click image to enlarge) |
Morning on Robert’s Bayou
(click image to enlarge) |
Cheeseburger in Paradise
Woke up next morning. Time… what’s time? Breakfast
was bacon and egg beaters (very cooler friendly, egg beaters)
, and peanut butter and jelly toast. It was clear and gonna be
sunny and warm. No make that sunny and hot. We cast off our lines
said goodby to Charlie and Laura, and motored out heading west.
Destination Lulu’s. (run by Jimmy Buffet’s sister)
We motored down the intracoastal waterway, towing the dink for
a short time, but it had way too much drag, so we pulled it alongside
and angled it lashing it to the side of the boat with only one
side of the inflatable in the water. This was a much more acceptable
arrangement, and would allow sailing…. But where was the
wind? My sun screen had let me down yesterday after noon, so I
wore a loose long sleeve shirt today. After a couple of power
boat wakes bounced the dink out of position, and there being no
wind, we simply pulled it aboard and leaned it on the starboard
deck. The hillbilly bimini was stowed and lashed to deck, as it’s
angle would offer little relief from the sun in the east while
motoring west. Thomas liked seeing the sunken barges and a derelict
“ghost” tug boat.
We arrived at Lulus (run by Jimmy Buffet’s sister) at
… oh yea…time, what’s time? There was a backwater
off the narrow canal where the fleet would anchor and raft up.
We anchored/rafted with another small boat, a Montgomery 16, and
set the tarp..er bimini We were ferried to the restaurant dock
by one of the BEER organizers, who ran his sailboat as a ferry
all afternoon, missing most of the festivities. I had an open
face crab melt sandwich, and Thomas a cheesburger. Primo food,
smiling service, cute waitress, nice cold cola with lots of ice.

Thomas at Lulu’s
The fleet behind Lulu’s. Author
in inflatable next to Herriot
(click image to enlarge) |
We were ferried back to the boat, and about then
while resting off our lunch, a helicopter appeared low overhead.
It circled the fleet several times, and someone was leaning out
the window with a telephoto lens. I guess this many sailboats
in use in one place is quite a sight even on the gulf coast. I
paddled around in the Coleman to get pictures of the fleet and
our boat, and after a time, we pulled anchor and bid Lulu’s
We headed back east on the intracoastal, down the narrow channel
without benefit of wind. Sunday power boaters bounced us around
some, but not that different from home. About halfway back the
wind picked up some from behind, and we raised the sails. Sailing
became even more fun as the waterway widened and we headed for
Ingram’s bayou. Charlie and Laura passed us sailing. As
they did, I made sure that I pulled the motor mount all the way
up to demonstrate that we were indeed sailing. Winds were generally
light, but some cloud cover came over, and gave relief from the
Sun’s heat. Coming into the Bayou, we once again rafted
up with Necessity, and after getting squared away, went in for
a swim… as did many others from the flotilla. We had people
milling around talking, kids jumping on and off various boats,
kayaks paddling around, and a tourist boat loaded to the gills
came through just to gawk at the site. So did the water cops.
A survey of the sky showed that less pleasant weather was on
the way. The weather radio reported a tropical depression was
forming. Thomas and I dined on corned beef hash, and deflated
and stowed the dink. He washed up, and went below. I started to
“harden up” the bimini with additional bungees just
as the first high winds hit. This was followed by liberal amounts
of rain. I squared things away and went below, where Thomas and
I played “Wheel of Fortune” on the gameboy, while
the weather howled outside. I heard at least 1 large klunk on
the cabin roof, and after the blow died down some, went out to
investigate. The hillbilly bimini had survived, but Charlies bimini
had thrown a batten, which the crew of the Herriot returned.
Monday morning, I awoke to overcast, breezy, damp
conditions. The wind seemed to be building as we ate breakfast.
The original plan had been to go to a place called Mosquito cove,
but that would involve an extended sail and the both Mosquito
cove and Ingram’s bayou would be isolated from any ramp
if the weather stayed bad. The group decided plan B would be to
head back around the point to Pirates cove and Roberts bayou to
out wait the weather. Thomas and I stowed the bimini, due to the
expectation of high winds, cast of from our raft mates and motored
out of the cove. Waves in the waterway proved to be manageable,
and we were able to cut the journey around the point somewhat
short as we had shoal draft and weren’t confined to the
channel, which would have added a mile or so to the trip. The
wind picked up and the waves got bigger and more confused approaching
the entrance to pirates cove. I decided to beach there at the
cove entrance to obtain gas and ice. We rounded up into the now
considerable wind, gunned the motor with the plan to get some
momentum and tilt the motor before beaching. The wind was too
much on first attempt. Second attempt I would come in closer before
tilting the motor, but the beach had another idea. The bottom
came up and sheared the prop’s shear pin.
So here we are in the cove entrance, no propulsion, in high winds
and rain. But wait. The boat falls off and is moving well under
“bare poles” I had steerage! We ran down wind a hundred
feet or so, and hugged the shoreline at the cove entrance, made
a right turn and drifted with the accumulated speed into a protected
spot on the upwind lip of the cove. Anchor was dropped off the
bow, and we were safe, stopped, and out of the wind. Those who
didn’t see the beaching attempt might have thought I planned
it that way, such a sweet ballet. Some heavy rain followed, and
after it let up, I pulled the motor into the cockpit, pulled the
prop, and tried to pound out the remainder of the shear pin. I
had a needle nosed pliers to act as a punch, but no hammer.. Hmmm
reached into the food supply for a can of Chef Boy ar Dee ravioli,
which made a most serviceable hammer. Re mounted the now repaired
motor, and waited for a break in the rain.
Motoring back to the Pirates cove dock after things calmed
down. Draft = about 1 foot with rudder up
(Photo by friendly trailer sailor - click image to enlarge)
It wouldn’t be possible to cross the open
part of the cove’s mouth to get back to the Restaurant and
marina in the Coleman. There was just too much wind there. After
a time, we fired up the motor, and found a spot on the dock next
to the launch ramp. We went inside, played pinball, had a little
lunch, dried out some, and watched the dolphins swimming in the
cove entrance.
(Photo by Noemi Ybarra - click image
to enlarge) |
We Say Goodbye
Since Tuesday was to be our last day on the water, and getting
pinned down somewhere wasn’t on my list of options, I contemplated
a journey back to the shipyard marina. The weather reports weren’t
good for today. Small craft advisories for the bay. Some folks
caught a long taxi ride back to the shipyard marina and started
ferrying back trucks and trailers overland to pull out. We decided
to catch a ride with someone and do the same. While waiting for
our ride to return, conditions calmed some, and we practiced paddling
the boat by hand around the anchorage, letting others have access
to the dock. We showered at the marina, gabbed some more, retrieved
the van and trailer and pulled the boat about 8:30 pm while many
of the others who remained were inside of pirates cove in an impromptu
folk jam session. The wind was literally whistling as it cut through
the rigging of the boats in the marina.
We headed north that night, leaving behind many new friends.
We had stayed aboard our little minimalist cruiser for 3 nights,
and supplies would have held for 6, but our vacation time was
limited. As it turned out, those who stayed had a fairly nice
day of sailing on Tuesday that we would miss, (we took in the
space museum at Huntsville Alabama) but we were taking with us
memories that will last a lifetime.
My thanks to the folks on the Trailer Sailor board who posted
pictures of the event, some of which are included here. Anyone
interested in my boat building adventures can go to www.riverbendvet.com/newweb
Plans for the weekender can be obtained from www.stevproj.com