Peterborough Messabout
September 10-12, 2004
by Bryant
I know many people were disappointed
in the cancellation of the second Kingston
Ontario Messabout when the host, Bruce Hector, had
to bow out due to health reasons.
I got thinking about it and realized
that my home city, Peterborough Ontario, would be a great place
for a last minute alternative messabout. It could be held on Little
Lake, located right in the middle of the city.
Little Lake has a lot to recommend
it. To begin with, Little Lake isn't that little. At 1.7 kilometres
long (about 1 mile) and a kilometre wide (about a half mile) it's
big enough for small sailing craft, small enough so you can see
everything and great scenery everywhere. Here are some examples:

Here's the lake from the west shore by the marina looking east
to Beavermead Park beach.
Here's the lake from the north shore looking south. In the distance
is one of the large houseboats heading for Lock 20.
There's a marina with boat slips,
a good ramp and fuel. For accommodations, there's the Holiday
Inn on the waterfront, several B & B places and a campgrounds
right on the lake. Within a block or two of the lake on the west
side are several fast food outlets, an LCBO, laundromat, shopping
and fine restarurant.

Little Lake also has a great place for a Messabout - Beavermead
It has a long sandy beach,

a small launch ramp with several small docks, a large playground,
picnic tables, a small creek perfect for canoe and kayak exploring.
And it's FREE.
Beavermead Park is easy for out-of-town
vistors to find....

Expect some local owner built boats
too. I've contacted the local antique and classic boat group and
they'll pass the word on to members. There were some very interesting
local boats at the recent show who may be interested in attending.
Here are a couple of examples that may be there:

This is Windloper, a 19 foot Friese Schouw built by John Walker
of Peterborough. It's a replica of a 19th century workboat common
on Dutch Friesland waters.

Miss Stixs, a 22 foot cruiser owned by Henry Meyer of Snug Harbour.
The initial hull work was done by local canoe builder Fred Forster.
Henry completed the details in time for the August Antique and
Classic Boat Show.
Peterborough is about an hour and
a half drive north east of Toronto (401 and 115) or about 3 hours
west of Kingston (401 and 28). All very good roads to the city.

I'm only planning a one day event
on Saturday (boating, lunch, more boating, pot luck dinner?) but
the lake will be there all weekend for messing about. There are
other things to do. You can walk over to see the Peterborough
Lift Locks, the world''s highest hydraulic locks with a rise of
65 feet. - and then check out the Trent-Severn Visitor Centre.

the world''s highest hydraulic locks
Another way to see the Lift Locks
would be by taking a Liftlock cruise and travel up the Locks themselves.
Sightseeing cruises are at 11 am and 1:30 pm. A two hour cruise
for only $16.00 Can.

Lift Lock cruise boat
Other things for visitors to do
would be a tour of the Canoe Museum or attend the weekend Jazz
Festival held just a few blocks north of the lake.
If you're interested in attending,
or in getting information on accommodations or whatever, please
email me at By the way, Bruce has my blessing
on holding this messabout and said he'd come!
Here's my final pic, the water
fountain at Little Lake.

