Arkansas Messabout
by Phil
It is officially on GO! My wife and I have decided
to host a messabout on Lake Dardanelle, near our home in Russelville
Arkansas. The date is Saturday, August 27, 2005. This is the
weekend before Labor Day weekend. We already have two boats
scheduled to attend -- my June bug and my daughter's Mill Creek

My June Bug
We will rent the pavilion for the preceding Friday
afternoon through the following Sunday morning until noon, so
the weekend will have shelter and a center for activities in
case of rain, storm or much sun. And there is plenty of shade
in the hardwood stands along the shore with lots of great views
of the lake.
Mary's Mill Creek 13
State Park is on Lake Dardanelle, an 34,000 acre
impoundment of the Arkansas river lying between the Ouachita
Mountains on the south and the Ozark Mountains on the north.
The state park here is very nice with visitor
center/museum and camping facilities for tents to RVs, boat
ramps, shower, and marina. Access highways are very good from
scenic Highway 7 (north/south route) or Interstate 40 (east/west).

Visitor Center

From the Visitor's Center looking south to Mount Nebo.

Mount Nebo and the Straits to Dardanelle.
Rock bluffs are at the straits.
There is a fine sandy beach that is 50 paces from
the pavilion. Boats may pull up on the beach at any time and
overnight on the beach. It is on a first come first served basis,
however, I have not seen a boat pulled up to the beach in 15
years! There are beautiful high rock bluffs at many areas at
this end of the lake.

The beach from the pavilion. Our pavilion
has a very large grill, so we will have a great feast.

There is a breakwater-protected ramp to
ensure you can load up no matter the wind.
Here is the tongue-in-cheek weather forecast
for August 27, 2005:
High in the high 80s to high 90s. Low in the mid
60s to low 70s. 20 to 40% chance of scattered thundershowers.
Generally winds light and variable but picking up in the afternoon
(~1 to 3 PM) to 4 to 8 mph. Lake temperature 80 to 85 degrees
Surface elevation 337.75' above sea level (doesn't
vary more than 2 ft)
River flow rate 10,000 to 20,000 cubic feet per
Sunrise 6:43 AM. Sunset 7:44 PM.
UV index moderate to high.
I believe we get bit more wind than Rend Lake
(but it's no Oklahoma).
If you are a bass fisherman, bring your pole.
The lake has a good reputation for bass and catfish.
Phil Lea
111 Evergreen Estates Dr.
Russellville, AR 72802