Two years ago Santa
brought framed backpacks to two children (Julie and Daniel) who
live in the desert and had been very good. Santa could envision
family outings along wilderness trails and desert paths. Santa's
Helper (who does most of the work and all of the worry) thought
that Santa should bring something they could use every day. Santa
was adamant, and the packs have sat in the closet gathering dust
for the last 1000 days or so.
As we thought over where we wanted to go this year for a camping
trip we thought about the lonely packs and resolved to head to
the high country. Two of Daniel's friends would come. They loved
to climb least the rocks on the mountains. Anita
(Santa's Helper and Best Girl) has developed a mutinous knee that
blew itself up as she ran to get a picture of the Olympic Torch
passing through a nearby town in 2002. Surgery had pretty much
restored things to order, but as we contemplated long trails and
heavy packs, the possibility of being the star of the "Rescue
Show" didn't appeal to her. I wanted somewhere to float a
boat in peace, and Julie (daughter) wanted to hike, read, and
"chill out" (but in some comfort).

So we searched every map we could find and finally found a lake
at the end of the road, about 40 miles of rough dirt road north
of Roosevelt in north eastern Utah. It was within five or six
miles of the official Uintah Wilderness area, had trails nearby,
and had no boat ramp. Actually, being on the edge of the wilderness,
the Forest Service had bulldozed terrain so steep that it could
well serve as a tank trap. You have to want to sail this lake.

Chepeta Lake is a small lake, about 135 acres and not especially
easy to get to. There are no established campgrounds, no treated
water, only a Forest Service outhouse and a lot of country and
the end of the road. The lake itself is about 250 yards from the
end of the road, on the other side of the tank traps. We brought
my Bateau V12, and Cheap Canoe...and wished that I had built the
V12 with lighter materials. Carrying a lot of weight over steep
uneven ground at high altitude ( ~9500 ft) reminds you that you
haven't done much work on the treadmill all year.

Willing hands set up a comfortable camp with five tents. Each
of the kids (4) wanted a little privacy, so they brought their
own. Anita and I had ours, and we brought the old green wall tent
for supplies. Then a very strange thing happened: As this was
pretty open range, the Boy Scouts camped up the valley (several
hundred yards) had hobbled their horses, but they were free to
come to our camp and see if we had treats. The boys (Daniel, Josh,
and Aaron all 17 yrs) camped a hundred yards or so away from our
main camp, and the horses went to their tents first. So they set
up little fences and barriers made from rock and fallen wood.
And then they started to get fancy. Pretty soon three 17 year
olds were staggering around under the weight of fallen logs and
rocks creating walks, patios, and then covering the walks with
soft rotted wood. What a funny thing play is. We would have gotten
sullen, icy stares if we would have told them that it was time
to set up the tents, and then spend the rest of the afternoon
decorating their campsites!!

It was a fun four days. We hiked (Julie found wild strawberries
and a small tree splitting a rock), talked, sailed (watch out
for under water rocks! Yikes! Rang the boat like a bell!), fished
(no luck), slept and ate. The boys found a rock big enough to
climb and managed to devise a route across it that was almost
impossible to traverse. We saw deer every day and fed chipmunks
that were ready for the camera and potato chips. We played cards
in the supply tent during the day that it rained and experimented
with soda can alcohol stoves just in case we ever do decide to
hit the trail. Best of all we laid down our cares and got to know
each other again. And that is really what getting out of our normal
lives and into the woods is about.
