Sailing my Outrigger Canoe
Hello Chuck,
I have been fine tuning of sorts my sailing outrigger canoe
Korkor. A few saw cuts here and there, a few extra lines, a
new more buoyant ama, and a dagger board at one end for now
just to see how well it works. Sailing in calm bay conditon
the steering oars and nonbuoyant ama work just fine. Here are
a few pictures of me and my son testing the dagger board in
the bay....

But go out in open ocean with chop swell and stronger
winds the oar becomes a hand full and the nonbuoyant ama well
- forget it (see photos below). If all works well will install
another dagger board at the other end. Here are a few shots
of some open water sailing with distant island in back round.
Todd Snyder
