We were out to
the lake for the annual club meeting so we drove down to the docks
and took pictures of the low water. Hopefully it'll come up next
year enough to launch the Wyoming.

This is a shot of the ramp I need to use for the Wyo.
The water is about 1/4 mile away.

This is a shot of my dock. On the right side of the photo is two
docks next to each other, mine is the smaller white one.

This mooring ball had a beautiful 38 foot full keeled
sail boat attached to it two years ago.

A $60,000 new dock three years ago, waiting for water.

There must be 20 miles of white sand beaches now available just
like this one.

This is a shot from our favorite hangout that's a resturant/lounge
on the west end of the lake. It usually is swarming with boats
and people due to the wonderful beach it had.

Here's a picture of our favorite hangout taken 4 years ago. Compare
it to the picture above. Big difference huh?
