A Paddling/Rowing Adventure
Hi Chuck --
Thought you might get a kick out of this photo. We took my friend
Ari's Mayfly
and his 15' Piragua
on a little paddling/rowing adventure with three kids, three
adults, and a dog. To get them through the (all-pedestrian)
streets of Ocean Beach, New York, we loaded them up on little
red wagons and strolled through town to the beach. Rosie pulled
the pirogue, with a little pushing help from dad at the stern.

(click to enlarge)
This adventure was mainly for seeking "treasure"
on a nearby beach -- looking for old washed-up buckets and sand
shovels, etc. We had a 20' seine net and pulled up all sort
of sea creatures to amaze the kids. Other trips in Mayfly were
for the sole purpose of sailing and clamming. We got 90 clams
on one day, 120 on another -- and ate like kings.
The shallow draft of Mayfly is a dream. The whole of Great South
Bay (mostly about three feet deep, but miles wide) was available
to us, while all the big power and sail boats were confined
to a narrow channel.
Hope all's well with you.
Best wishes,
Garth Battista