A Good Day
Hi Chuck,
I couldn't stand it any longer. The sun was out
for a while so I grabbed the Goldeneye and set out to get my
joints working again! You can see the green thingy on my rod
which is the wireless sensor for my new Humminbird Smartcast®
Fish Finder. (click HERE
to read Richard's review of this unit)

The unit is still inside the boat. I paddled seriously
for an hour or so and did the lake trip a couple of times then
settled down to rest and FIND some fish...... and so I set the
base station on the deck and secured it under the deck rigging
and explored the north east side of the lake toward the dam.
Water depths averaged 10 to 15 feet and knew I had found the
main channel.
Suddenly the alarm went nuts at 11 feet of water!
I had come upon a school of something......not bait fish either.
There are 3 distinct size readings on this machine as well as
many other features and adjustments. The screen (it's easy to
read even with sun over your back) was full of fish! They were
hanging just off the bottom as the water is still quite cold.
I should have taken a rod and tried to get at
least one of whatever was lurking below but I was there mosty
to get the kinks and winter stiffness out of my ass and just
have a little fun!
Well this morning I was very surprised that I
was full of more kinks and so damn sore and stiff I could hardly
move! The GPS said I did 7 miles........felt more like 70 this
morning! Better than 3 hours was enough playing for the day
as the temps dropped, but I did have a good time....and the
old saying goes...."When you play......you pay!".........Ain't
dat de damn truth! I'll be back in the lake Saturday with the
blue skinboat.
Did you guys have a good time at the coast? I
had forgotten when ya'll were going. Scott Widmier, my buddy
from Akron is having a get together at Seneca lake on Friday
April the 2nd. I'm taking the Teardrop and 2 boats. There is
a full moon on the 5th so we might even have enough brightness
for a moonlight paddle/sail on the 3rd. Some are camping on
the island where Scott and I usually camp......I'll paddle to
the island to socialize but when bed time comes I'll be back
in the Teardrop with the heater going! I know it's going to
be on the chilly side at night, and I'll be doing enough of
the tent stuff with Steve when we go to the Adirondacks in May.
I'm on my way to restock on fishing lures today and get my out-of-state
fishing license for Ohio, and just piss around, etc. Guess I'd
better take a couple of Tylenol so I can get to the car! Later