I found some pics I can send of my AF4G.
These are the
same I sent to the Jim M and one actually was included
in his web letter... I am very honored...I am not sure Jim thought
I would get to this point....

These are from the end of April 2004. They show the my AF4G with
the 2X4 skids applied. The bottom is complete and painted. Some
of the side paint is applied. I have to wait to flip the boat
to seal up the external chine logs.

The white paint is Glidden Gripper Primer and sticks
very well to the epoxy.

I am working on the bunks for the trailer. I hope to
get the boat flipped in the next two weeks. Then it is
just a couple of weeks of interior work to get it
ready for the water.

I am having a part time boat motor guy named Greg
Potter help me with on the 40hp 1969 Evinrude motor.
As we talked about the boat I was building, I metioned
that I bought the Michalak plans from DUCKWORKS and
Greg mentioned he was familiar with the site and was a big fan
of Max W and his Old Outboard columns ...
Eric Schadow
Schenectady NY