Camp Skiff
Hi Chuck,
Some time ago I wrote a letter about my interest in Howard Chappelle's
design for what he prosaically named "Camp Skiff".
I purchased the one sheet drawing from the Smithsonian 12 or
15 years ago and at one time actually lofted it with an addition
of a few inches each station to bring it from 17' 6" to
19" plus or minus. I was distracted at the time by Mr.
Bolgers Hawkeye and eventually that is what I built. I remained
intrigued by "Camp Skiff" and that is what is under
construction at the moment.

(click to enlarge)
What pushed things off center was the arrival
of a scan of Mr Chappelle's design for "Waterman"
from David Romasco of Kent
Islans Boat Works. "Waterman" is very
similar to "Camp Skiff" but a modified V bottom rather
than crossplanked, flat bottomed Chesapeake style skiff. The
article really filled out some of the lack of detail of the
Smithsonian drawing and with Mr Chappelle's book on Boat Construction
I felt it was time. "Camp Skiff" is now under construction.
My work habits are leisurely in that a problem will result in
immediate cessation of work and an extended session (no pun
intended) in the moaning chair while I try to reason out the
problem. Actually the main problem is a result of epoxy construction.
Scheduling. If I am in epoxy
mode I want to do it so it causes the least disruption to the
schedule. Also I have a psychological problem with epoxy. Mostly
involving getting started. Paxil helps.
At present the molds are established. The chine
logs are in place as are temporary sheer clamps. The topside
panels are cut, trimmed, epoxied and being sanded. The phillipine
mohagany transom is fabricated and stained. The motor transom
is fabricated and glassed.
As you may be aware, "Camp Skiff" is
the inspiration for the "Red Wing" series of skiffs
from Chesapeake
Designs. Baseing construction on the drawings and
specifications of "Waterman" I am substituting plywood
construction for the typical plank on frame construction specified
though plywood was an alternative. I am using lighter scantlings
than the similar sized "Redwing".
1/2" fir bottom, 3/8" Occume topsides and 1/4"
Occume decking. I believe "Redwing" is stitch and
glue construction or some variation whereas I am building "Camp
Skiff" more or less conventional epoxy construction. I
will be using the framing system as drawn by Mr. Chappelle.
I have a 5 horse 4 cycle Nissan which will do for a while but
if I can find a buyer for my inflatable with the 5 horse Nissan
perhaps I'll consider up to 10 hp.
For those any where near Lansing Mi the plywood
came from Johnson's Workbench in Charlotte. I made the trip
to Charlotte from Suttons Bay because of the additional attraction
of a local mostly MG afficionado in Potterville, MI. I am also
interested in acquiring an MGA driver so visited this site of,
probably, 80 or 90 misc british cars in various states of dishabille.
I am including a scan of the drawing as reproduced
in "Woodenboat" some time ago. Unfortunately I didn't
copy the previous page and I no longer have my collection of
"Woodenboat". Except for the plywood panels I am making
only minimum changes mostly related to the dearth of detail
on the drawing.

(click to enlarge)
My goal for this summer is to complete installing
all the panels and to turn the hull over. If I'm lucky I'll
get to the cabin and motor cover. For now I would like the rain
to stop so I can finish sanding the expoxied panels outdoors
I'll keep you posted as things progress.
Bob Chamberland