Navigator Motor Mount
Here are some photos of the motor mount on my
I took them yesterday while enjoying a superb day on the Hauraki

The mount bolts onto the transom using three
bolts with a piece of 20 mm timber on the inside as a reinforcer.
As you'll see, I run a four-stroke, two-horse Honda and the
mount is more than adequate for this. The close up should give
you a reasonable idea of the construction which is from scraps
of 9 mm ply, some doubled with largish wings up and down to
provide stability, and a piece of 40 m kwila across the back
to bolt onto.

The "in use" photo (below) shows accessibility
when sailing, and when you do need it, the four-stroke quietness
tucked out back makes for minimal intrusion.

I tossed in the lunchtime shot (below) just to
encourage any potential builders being seduced by the newly
arrived bigger sister to the navigator - I'm still throughly
captivated by mine, and was reminded yesterday of the dicussion
about smoothing out the chines - they do make a beautiful noise
when pushing through smooth water at about five knots! - a friend's
round-chine glass boat of similar style is deathly silent by
John Leathwick