Hi Chuck, here's one for the Projects section.
Groome of Auckland New Zealand is making good progress
with his Pathfinder.
He has just fitted the side decks, had the seats and raised
floor (bunk space) in, the motor well is visible on the boats
port side aft and the boomkin mount for the mizzen sheet is
also just visible inside the transom just above the seat level.
As the bowsprit does not have side stays (whiskers) it is a
pretty impressive piece of Old growth Douglas Fir, the anchor
well opening is just out of sight on the other side of the foredeck,
and the myriad clamps on the deck edge are holding the doublers
which the coaming will be screwed to.
For a near first time builder he is making really good progress.
(he built a JW Seagull
last year, and caught the boatbuilding bug, an incurable affliction
that causes grown men to wander about the workshop with glazed
expression, covered in sawdust and glue, waving a sabre saw
and looking for plywood to cut)
John Welsford
