Square Knot
Hey Chuck,
How ya been? It’s been a couple of years
since I last contacted you. I thought I’d send along some
pix of the boat I was building at the time. I’m happy
to report that she sails beautifully. I wish I’d been
more conscientious when I built the hull. I don’t know
if you recall, but I started building her as an expendable ½
scale model of a cruiser I designed to see how well the hull
form worked.

Consequently, I sort of threw the hull together.
However, as building progressed, I liked the look of her so
much that I went overboard with the finish. I’m glad I
did – I get a lot of compliments on her. I’m also
thrilled with her performance under sail. She’s very well
balanced and really fast. She’s also very stable. I gave
her Pau Lope floor boards and they make great ballast.

The one qualm I have about her is her tendency
to pound. In smooth water, this hull shape is fantastic but
in a chop, she’s somewhat less than comfortable. I’ve
had her out in Buzzard’s Bay in 15 to 20 knot winds and
while it was exciting to say the least, she damn near rattled
my teeth loose.

My thoughts are turning towards a round bottom
and cold molding. It’s disgusting work compared to traditional
boat building or even tack-and-tape, but the end product is,
I think, worth it. Anyway, I hope all is well with you and Duckworks

Take care,
David Telles