10oz Power Caulker by Quiktools, Inc.
by Rick Malagodi
I love to build (and dream about building) little
inexpensive plywood boats like this little one-sheeter (really
two sheets, but who counting).

My dreams are always ruined when I think about
loading my $1.99 caulking
gun with a tube of PL and pumping and squeezing
until wrist cramps make me wish I was one of those bionic robots
in “i,robot” (Will Smith’s summer action flick
which ain’t half bad). I was hopeful, therefore, when
I happened upon a neat little tool produced by a local manufacturer
that promised to turn my nightmares back into pleasant little
dreams once again. It’s a power caulker that uses an everyday
cordless drill for power – everybody has one of those!
You simply chuck your cordless (or corded if anyone
still has one) onto the spindle, tighten the universal clamp,
release the “clutch” bar, pull back on the plastic
threaded “plunger”, unscrew the cover, slap in your
trusty tube of PL (or any tube of anything) in, thread the cover
back on and in seconds your laying down sweet beads of stuff
with as much effort as pressing the trigger.
It took me all of 30 seconds to attach my 18 volt
drill and it worked like a charm. With the gearing of the tool,
my drill wasn’t straining a bit. My sense is you could
squirt lots and lots of tubes on a single battery charge. I
could adjust the size of the bead with my variable-speed drill
by just spinning slowly. I could lay down a serious bead by
letting the drill spin away and forcing out a large amount of
PL. This thing is great! No grunting in pain as I two-hand wrestle
with my old manual caulk gun. I simple press trigger with one
hand while I sip a cool refreshment with the other. Did I say
I love this thing?
The construction appears to be top quality. It’s
made in USA – right down the road in Concord, Massachusetts.
The metal parts are zinc plated to resist corrosion, the plastic
molded parts are pretty heavy weight with webs and stiffeners
where needed. The cover is a resilient plastic which by my account
appears to be built to last. The one item I reckon may wear
over time is the plastic threaded plunger, but the company assures
me they have had no problem with them and will gladly replace
the plunger if anyone had a problem with wear-out. That being
said I am evaluating this as a home enthusiast tool; it appears
to be rugged enough for commercial work but it’s amazing
how quickly things wear out in the hands of guys that actually
do things for a living.
Chuck is contacting the company will may carry
them in the Duckworks store which I think is a great idea. They
also make a 30oz version. The 10oz version I bought retails
for about $49.99 which is slightly more than the $1.99 I paid
for my manual caulking gun but far less than a replacement wrist
which can be fairly pricey, I’ve heard. In case anybody
is wondering, I am not affiliated with the supplier nor am I
receiving anything for suggesting them - just passing on what
I think is a really good product for us lazy boat dreamer types.
(Editors note: We have these power caulkers