Before Christmas we received a ‘Holiday Catalog’
from Mystic Seaport. One of the items offered was a series of
‘note cards’ with photos from the 1950's - from
the subject matter. Three of the photos intertwined with memories
of my own childhood. They were candid shots of young children,
‘messin about in boats’. Relatively knowledgeable
too, from their activities & equipment.

The Club has an annual award - for ‘Someone 40 or under
who promotes sailing & sportsmanship, etc. . . .’
We received a reminder note from the Commodore for candidates,
with the annotation that this ‘leaves out 90% of members’
. . . It reminded me of the club’s Christmas party, a
few weeks ago. Seeing people in coats & ties - instead of
sailing shorts & ‘T’ shirts or the ‘grubbies’
for waterfront & house maintenance. The typical comment
was, “Don’t you clean up well ! “ There’s
a certain point when the scruffy grey/white beard gets trimmed
and the wind blown grey hair gets combed that a transformation
takes place. There is a shift from the ‘Old Geezer’
to the ‘Senior Sailor’ [It is a ‘blue collar’
or ‘self help’ club, after all. I don’t think
any of us are wealthy enough to call ourselves - ‘Yachtsman’
!! ]
During the past several months - from the Spring until now-
a number of the guys who owned boats that had to be ‘blocked
up’ at marina’s for dry storage started grumbling.
It seemed that a number of them were told that their wooden
boats would no longer be stored. As the season progressed, so
did the rumors about the reasons. The ‘rejections’
continued as well - this time for ‘wet’ storage
or slip rentals. Then it included the ‘plastic’
boats as well. At first it was supposedly because of the fire
hazards of wooden boats. Then it was because they were rotted
out, in generally poor condition, and more of an overall potential
hazard. Then the same comments were heard about the fiberglass
boats. Next it was a case of the marina owners worrying about
the boats sinking in their slips. Comments were made that it
was simply to force the sail boats out - because they didn’t
spend money like the ‘stinkpot’ power boats. Fuel
purchases being a much mentioned point. Bear in mind - the specific
boats that were ‘dis-invited’, were in immaculate
condition and very well maintained. By the time of the Party
a number of facts had come to light. Rather then condition,
an arbitrary age of 25 years had been
selected as the ‘cut-off’. The supposed reasoning
for the action was the marina ‘corporations’ were
afraid of having someone ‘walk away’ from a boat
. . . and the SALE value of the boat would be LESS than the
slip fee or winter storage bill. This seems to be a load of
Bull**** . Even for a small Club like us, the dues and mooring
fees have to be paid BEFORE the mooring goes or the boat arrives.
Most of us have dealt with a marina before . . . they ALWAYS
want their money UP FRONT.
It was simply a case of Age Discrimination.
Now a couple of us have smaller boats - under 30 feet - that
spend the winter on trailers {the ‘requirements’
to store a boat on Club property}. A number of them are on their
third owner. Sometimes it’s the third owner . . . within
the Club ! This is simply a reflection of the boats that must
be ‘blocked’ for dry storage . . . even though they
meet the length requirement. For ALL of these boats there is
an investment - and it is NOT monetary ! There is a pride in
ownership. Not only for the present owner, but because the past
skippers see the boat - on the trailer or mooring - every time
they come to the Club. At least with the ‘Old Salts’,
or those of us that started out like the kids in the boats.
It becomes ingrained in our character. So much so that it often
shows up in other facets of our lives. “NO - I don’t
need a new pair shoes . . . these ‘Topsiders’ are
only 10 years old. But the brightwork could use another coat
{the 15th or so} and Epifanes is on sale . . .” It may
be a case of ‘transference’ . . . or something like
the ‘Portrait of Dorian Grey’. The boat gets all
the care & attention, while we take on the ‘other’
Anyhow, - for about the same length of time Joanne has promised
to treat me to a new hat . . . to replace the one with the ‘Woodenboat’
logo that I usually wear in the shop, etc. I have a lot of ball
caps {actually we both do - sort of ‘collect’ them...

...and her usual refrain is, “You have enough hats -
why do you need another one, you only have one head!”.
So this offer seemed a bit odd. I took it off and looked at
it. “What’s wrong with it?.” I said. “
There aren’t any holes, it’s nice & soft, it’s
only a little sun-bleached, and the epoxy repair of the bill
has held up for years.” Her retort was,“It’s
sweat stained and ratty looking. It’s OLD. You wear it
almost everywhere and it’s disreputable”.To which
I replied, “NO - it has CHARACTER - like ME”.