Micro Folding Dinghy
design by David Bolduc
Click here for free plans and instructions

The Micro Folding Dinghy is based on one of Matt Layden's early folding dinghies; however it incorporates some of Matt's ideas as well as a few of our own to create a cheap and sturdy boat. The Micro Folding Dinghy is best suited to smaller people or for children, but it can be enlarged to fit larger folks by increasing the beam and the freeboard by around 2 inches. The MFD is made up of 3 pieces of 1/4" exterior grade fir plywood- two side pieces and one bottom piece. The ends (bow and stern) of our boat are white vinyl, but canvas may work better. One of the most interesting features of this little boat are the 2" wide cloth hinges made from heavy duty #4 canvas which are reinforced by a series of interlocking finger joints/tabs every 6 inches. At the stern the tabs are elongated to form skegs.

For complete plans and instructions visit Dave's website: