Tribal Menace
design by Chris Ostlind
When I finished the first stage of design on the recent, Cabo 21 trimaran, I realized I had the makings of an interesting competitive trimaran for the all-out, 300 mile, expedition race held in Florida each year; The Watertribe Everglades Challenge.

I stretched the hull to 22.5', slimmed down the waterline considerably on the main hull and amas for more speed and moved the centerboard outside the main hull for increased room for the crew. There will be two Mirage stations fore and aft for max propulsion when there's no wind. When sailed off-wind, the boat can fly a conventional assy spinnaker OR a water launchable kite, such as those you see being used for kite boarding. Either way, this boat will smoke.

I'm calling it the Tribal Menace. I had a working name of Tribal Authority, but thought it could be fairly impetuous with regards to the race organizers.

This is just a design study at this point, though I would like to see it built in foam and carbon with two young multihull sailors to ram it down the course nonstop. The boat has no real pretense about creature comfort, though it won't be truly nasty. It's just that the displacement won't allow for a lot of comfort gear or excess anything that doesn't contribute to the end goal. Plans could be available to a qualified team of committed builders/sailors. Let me know if you know someone who would like to win a tough race.
As always, if you have any feedback or questions...
