Bow Shed
by David Nolan
Jan, 5 - Chuck, still waiting for my bowshed approval from the township. In the meantime, I cut out the mold frames for the bottom panels of my Great Alaskan. I had to set it up in the Living room. It's gonna be a Great Boat. I have wood and glass and epoxy and plans.... close to going full up boatbuilding. Here she is...

Jan, 26 - We got approved with our permit. 13 of 18 bows complete on the Stimson shed - now we need to shovel out 13 inches of snow to put the durn thing up...
(click images below for larger views)
Jan, 31 - Further tidbit update for you:
We put this up in two afternoons (bows pre-made) with just me and Gary....
Man I gotta keep up the pace to get in the water by mid summer
I highly recommend the Stimson Bow shed plans. Simple, easy to build, lightweight. You dont have to be a perfectionist if you dont want to. I used close enough to the required dimensions and we mostly eyeballed the spacing. When we broke a bow bending it we jst spliced a backer on it and put it back on the form.. they all held.. Gary says you can land a small helicopter on it..
its cool
What you see here in the completed bow shot is about 44 each $5.99 16 ft two by fours, a five pound box of sheet rock screws, four tubes of construction adhesive.... about $300 to build this giant 16 ft wide, 14 ft high, and 32 ft long shelter
its pretty too...