Building |
The main components for my tiny 6ft.6in. boat (2m.) The
curves and piercings in the bulkhead sections are to give
me room to stow the boat wheels when I am under way. Chine
logs are already glued and tacked to the side panels. |
Components all assembled. She is already starting to look
sort of like a boat. |
The flat bottom is attached to the chine logs. I hate
polyurethane glue. The fumes make my throat sore, there
are warnings on the container to keep it away from children
and if you get it on your fingers you will be picking at
it for days. When you are an old tosser like me the extra
couple of inches of freeboard provided by a well with raised
sides all round is very comforting. |
Bottom-up. At this stage the inner gunnels are also on.
All she needs now is a deck and a lot of sand papering.
Done and dusted. The rest of the pics are views of the
finished boat and are not captioned - all except the last
pic of all which has words of wisdom re. the uk climate
and final info about my little boat. |
I have named her "Bumble Bee" It is winter 2003
now so it is unlikely she will get her bottom wet until
Spring comes again. Believe me, in the uk, getting the crutch
of your trousers wet in December is a very different thing
to getting it wet in Spring time. |
But if you chance to be crossing the Shirley bridge on
the Stratford Upon Avon canal next time the grass is strewn
with daisies, you just might see the grand launching ceremony
as I smash the bottle of champagne over her bows.
Launching |

OK, here I go, humming a merry sea shanty
as I stride purposefully along... |
I am getting too old for this. (Danny Glover
un quote) |

I reckon she is looking quite ship shape and
Bristol fashion. |

Yep. Looks ok this way round too. |

Fine. Lets get down to business. |

Just casting her off. It is a pity you could
not have been here a couple of minutes ago and seen me smashing
the bottle of Dom Perignon '93 across her bows. |

Marvellous! I could paddle around like this
all day. I am sure she is faster than my eight foot Mouse
- spins on a sixpence too. |

Don't you just hate being buzzed by helicopters?
What this guy does not know is that I have this special
pen that fires ground to air missiles. |

'Bye everyone. It has been such a great day.
I feel I could just keep paddling all the way to the open
sea and let Bumble Bee carry me to a tropical island where
clear water cascades down a mountain side, with bananas
growing and wild pigs and big fish leaping among the breakers.....
Nah! Not yet. I still have more boats to build. |